Thursday, March 22, 2007

How to break up with your girlfriend in 64 Easy Steps.

Hilarious animation detailing exactly how to break up with your girlfriend in 64 EASY steps! Sadly I've been through just about ALL of these steps!

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Amazing $200 inkjet - prints one page per SECOND on sale next year (VIDEO)

Secretive inventor with more patents that Edison. Spent 13 years developing the technology. Today released videos that have stunned the printer industry. Analysts have confirmed prototypes are real. Ultra-high speed $150 photo printer technology available 2007. Also promises color printers built into mobile phones, digicams, and handheld games...

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Sunday, March 11, 2007

I love you -- now go sleep in the other bed

More than 60 percent of custom houses will have dual master bedrooms by 2015. Sometimes it's snoring, sometimes it's children, but sometimes couples just want to sleep alone.

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Thursday, March 08, 2007

Real Picture of the Optimus Keyboard?

Sorry, now it is two days in a row with a post about that blasted Optimus keyboard. Today, this picture was posted on the Optimus weblog which appears to be an actual working (maybe) model. For the past year and a half we have seen the same old 3d renderings and this one looks a bit different, a little real.

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Saturday, March 03, 2007

NSFW - The mathematically perfect woman

When Khan Amore set forth to write this commentary, he decided that no such article would be complete without an illustration of the plurality of divine proportions which are to be found in Nature’s greatest work of art: the body of a beautiful woman

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Friday, March 02, 2007

Gen. Wesley Clark: Decison to Attack Iraq Made 9/20/01! Saw Classified Memo

This long interview with Clark includes many amazing comments and statements. He thinks about running for president every day. We should close Guantanamo. Bush & Co. planned to attack Syria, Lebanon, Iran and several other countries in Middle East. Surge is useless. Watch video here:

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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Saturday, February 24, 2007

James Cameron to announce Jesus tomb discovery

Brace yourself. James Cameron, the man who brought you 'The Titanic' is back with another blockbuster. This time, the ship he's sinking is Christianity. In a new documentary, Producer Cameron makes the starting claim that Jesus wasn't resurrected --the cornerstone of Christian faith-- in his new documentary.

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James Cameron to announce Jesus tomb discovery

Brace yourself. James Cameron, the man who brought you 'The Titanic' is back with another blockbuster. This time, the ship he's sinking is Christianity. In a new documentary, Producer Cameron makes the starting claim that Jesus wasn't resurrected --the cornerstone of Christian faith-- in his new documentary.

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Why does the camera add 10 pounds?

Cast from an angle, light creates shadows that sculpt the face and body by hiding unwanted flesh. Softer lights can hide wrinkles and smooth out the skin for women, while harsher lights on male faces exaggerate lines for a chiseled look.

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Friday, February 23, 2007

Free Batteries For Life, Courtesy of the Sun

How'd you like to never pay for batteries again? And I'm not talking about plain old rechargeable batteries here. You still need to pay for the electricity that charges those. No, I'm talking totally, completely free from here on out...

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Pictures that define the world

mots of the photos are taken from a high altiude.

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Atheists take on Bush faith-based initiative

The Freedom From Religion Foundation atheist group started by Gaylor and her mother in the 1970s to take on the religious right will fight its most high-profile battle when the U.S. Supreme Court hears arguments on its lawsuit against President Bush's faith-based initiative.

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Porn pop-up teacher gets new attorney, PC World outs juror

Julie Amero, substitute teacher and convicted porn-pop up purveyor, has finally gotten a tiny break in her favor. Connecticut criminal defense lawyer William Dow has stepped in and offered help to Julie Amero, pro-bono.... Good analisys of the recent updates in the case

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Cool Math Trick

This video shows how to multiply three digit numbers in a single step !!!

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First HEROES Season One DVD Details Emerge!

Here is the first info to break on what to expect from the Heroes Season One DVD set!

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