Monday, July 31, 2006

IP address not legal evidence identifying file sharers

For years, the RIAA has claimed that having the IP address of a computer that has shared unauthorized files is the equivalent of having the evidence of who was actually sharing files. That, of course, is false. The IP address simply can help you know who paid for the Internet access, but not who was using what computer on a network.

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Top Ten Reasons Why People Quit Their Jobs

Gregory Smith lays it out and tells us the real reasons we jump ship. Real reason: MANAGEMENT!

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FDA to consider over-the-counter morning-after pill after all

The government is considering allowing over-the-counter sales of the morning-after pill, but only to women 18 and older _ a surprise move Monday that revives efforts to widen access to the emergency contraceptive almost a year after it was thought doomed.

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Bush Admin May Have Violated 26 Statutes, Dems Say.

The Bush administration may have broken over two dozen federal laws and regulations -- some of them multiple times -- according to an unreleased report from the House Judiciary Committee Democrats. "The misconduct I have found is not only serious, but widespread," reads a draft summary of the report by Ranking Member John Conyers (D-MI)

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Never miss a song again with

Just enter in your zip code or the radio station call letters. Yes will show you a list of real-time songs, as well as a handy 24 hour look-up so you can see exactly what was playing at 4:20 AM. If you really like the song, you have the option of buying it on iTunes.

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For 2008 election, Al Gore could be the real deal

Why America needs Al Gore in 2008. We're ready for an adult.

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Audit Finds U.S. Hid Actual Cost of Iraq Projects

The State Department agency in charge of $1.4 billion in reconstruction money in Iraq used an accounting shell game to hide ballooning cost overruns on its projects in Iraq and knowingly withheld information on schedule delays from Congress.

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Color Photos From the World War I Era

Color film was non-existent in 1909 Russia, yet in that year a photographer named Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii embarked on a photographic survey of his homeland and captured hundreds of photos in full, vivid color.

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Change Your Southwest Airlines Boarding Group from "B" or "C" to "A"

Very cool's free, fast, and easy! Tried and it works.

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Hollywood Split over "Anti-Semitic Mel Gibson's Future

It's a nuclear disaster for him," said publicist Michael Levine, who has represented
Michael Jackson and
Charlton Heston, among others. "I don't see how he can restore himself."

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Pre-War Intelligence Might Not Come Out Until After Election

When angry Democrats briefly shut down the Senate last year to protest the slow pace of a congressional investigation into prewar intelligence on Iraq, Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) claimed a rare victory. Republicans called it a stunt but promised to quickly wrap up the inquiry. That was nine months ago.

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What to tell a kid when they ask, WHY?

Get straight to the point when your talking to a small child. ha ha.

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U.S. Employers Look Offshore for Healthcare.

After going overseas to outsource everything from manufacturing to customer services, American businesses, pressed by rising healthcare costs, are looking offshore for medical benefits as well. But there are risks. Patients have little or no legal recourse in medical malpractice cases because of relatively weak patient-protection laws oversea's

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Matt Damon as James T. Kirk?

a new star trek movie is coming out in 08 with matt damon as James T. Kirk...

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How the Brain Makes People Partisan

Psychological experiments in recent years have shown that people are not evenhanded when they process information, even though they believe they are.

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Top 4 Common Misconceptions About The Big Bang

An explanation of what the Big Bang is, and isn't, for the rest of us.

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Behind Al-Qaeda's I.T. Department...

there are real people, in real space, maintaining what is, in effect, al-Qaeda's I.T. department. Last October, the most important member of that group so far -- the man who has been called "the Godfather of cyber-terrorism" -- was arrested. He is a 22-year-old Muslim immigrant to Great Britain named Younis Tsouli.

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One Red Paper Clip Guy, Lands Movie Deal with DreamWorks.

"Kyle MacDonald has enjoyed more than his 15 minutes of fame as the Canadian Internet blogger bartering a red paper-clip for a house in Kipling, Sask.
He's now successfully parlayed his adventure into a book deal with Random House and a movie deal with DreamWorks..."

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How to Bypass Most Firewall Restrictions and Access the Internet Privately

Want to surf at work but can't because of a firewall? This is a complete resource of literally EVERYTHING you need to know when it comes to getting around pesky work firewalls. If your technically inclined you should have little trouble understand most of the material on this site. Enjoy.

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Solar Power Runs "World's Largest Laundromat"

One of Tom Benson's claims to fame, proclaimed in five-foot-high letters across his storefront, is that he owns the "world's largest laundromat" - complete with 153 washers, 148 dryers and 15 flat-screen TVs.

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75 Boston Police officers Have failed drug tests since 1999.

Since Boston police started annual drug testing in 1999, 75 officers out of the city's 2,000 have failed the tests, and 26 of them flunked a second test and were fired, newly released statistics show. Of the 75, 61 tested positive for cocaine, 14 for marijuana, two for ecstasy, and one for heroin, according to the figures, obtained by the Globe.

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Memos May Link Cheney to No-Bid Iraq Contract

Several documents suggest that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers may have lied publicly about the involvement of the vice president's office in awarding the contract. It will be remembered that Vice President Dick Cheney was chairman and CEO of Halliburton from 1995-2000. In an e-mail dated April 22, 2003...

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Oil Depletion Economics 101

A look at the basic economic considerations that must be resolved when trying to analyze oil production, consumption and pricing, or the impact these factors will have on the economy.

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Sunday, July 30, 2006

Senator John McCain's Son To Join The Marines

The youngest son of U.S. Senator John McCain will soon report for duty in the Marine Corps.

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HUGE Floppy

"This is a huge disk I found at work.. Not sure what it was used for.. Probably for recording video, but it is laser disc technology probably used in the late 80's.."

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A $50,000 Car Beats a Porsche 911 GT3's time around a track on Top Gear

This movie is of a wicked fast Ariel Atom that can do not to 60 in a little over 2 seconds and pull your face back as if you were in a fighter-jet! And only Top Gear would test-drive it!!!! You can not stop laughing at how much the driver's face is getting pulled back. A must see!!!!!!

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Landfills Are Filled With Gold, Copper and Aluminium

There is plenty of aluminum in landfills says experts, the same is probably true of gold and copper. Soon recycling those metals may overshadow conventional mining.

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Oil Companies Keep Gas Supplies Tight So Prices Stay High

The oil-refining industry might have helped create a gasoline market that's so tight that some industry experts and critics say any hurricane, pipeline break or other disruption is likely to cause price spikes. During unprofitable times in the 1990s, some refiners' internal memos show they wanted to reduce refining capacity to boost profits.

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If You Want to be Rich: First, Stop Being So Frightened

Felix Dennis, publishing tycoon, has written a guide to becoming a multi-millionaire. All you need is thick skin, cunning - and a work ethic. I am convinced that fear of failing in the eyes of the world is the single biggest impediment to amassing wealth. Trust me on this. Consider carefully this shortlist of what it will take...

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iPhone Software in iPod Updater?

In the June 28th iPod updater package, apparently if one were to analyze a few particular files with a hex editor, one would produce some very peculiar and anomalous commands, like t_feature_app_PHONE_APP, kPhoneSignalStrength, clPhoneCallModel, clPhoneCallHistoryModel, prPhoneSettingsMenu, and so on.

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Boston's Big Dig -One of Engineering's Biggest Mistakes?

Forums and blogs are popping up all over the Internet as vehicles for engineers and contractors to anonymously discuss their skepticism, thoughts and reactions to one of the biggest infrastructure failures in the news today.

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Friday, July 28, 2006

Batman Justifying Himself To The Super Friends

Watch as The Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and others ask the question "Why is Batman a super hero? He doesn't even have a super in his name." Batman, in his usual way, answers.

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How Legalizing Drugs Will End the Violence

If Steven Soderbergh's gritty 2000 film "Traffic" caused you to squirm in your seat, the real-life story of Mexican drug dealing is even more disquieting.

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Colbert to Congresswoman of D.C. - "You're Not an American" (Video)

In an hilarious interview with Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton of District of Columbia, Colbert says that she is not an American because she is the representative of D.C., which is not a state. Hilarious reaction from her.

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The real thing. Or is it? - How to make your own Coca-cola

There are brown bottles, bags of white powder, a pestle and mortar, a collection of funnels, a roll of silver gaffer tape. There is a drill. There is a whisk. Are they making bombs? Are they making drugs? No. They are doing something far more likely to change the world we live in. They're making their own version of Coca-Cola.

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Things you won't see on CNN - Superb photos

See the following superb photos.. photos like blue angels planes in flight collision.. container ship run aground on beach.. ocean wave washes over big ships deck and small plane caught in power lines.. don't miss

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House GOP leaders grudgingly agree to minimum wage increase

House Republican leaders, giving in to political reality, plan a vote to raise the $5.15 minimum wage before leaving Washington this weekend for a five-week recess.

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Windows� House of Cards

Much of the blame, in my opinion, should lie at the feet of the Microsoft philosophy of bundling everything into the OS; without tools being small and specialised, a complex series of dependencies is created. The operating system becomes a house of cards, and the tiniest shifting in a single element can cause its functioning to come crashing down.

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Never Say Never

"I have heard it stated as fact that one cannot fold a paper in half more than eight times, because the doubled and re-doubled paper quickly becomes too thick...Thanks to a student named Britney Gallivan, it turns out that this impossibility is just as mythical as not being able to lick your elbows."

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eBay: Buy it Now $0.99 Shipping $500.00??!! Solve it with Firefox extension

Tired of people gouging you with excessive shipping prices on eBay? Well, here's is an extension that lets you to see the total cost including shipping!

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USA Bill Requires Schools & Libraries BLOCK Social Networking & Chat Sites

It has passed the House - the purpose they say to to stop Online Predators

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It's all about oil

If this war was taking a bite out of Exxon or the House of Saud, a ceasefire would have been imposed.

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The Back the Future Movie You'll Never See (Screenshots)

Back to the Future was actually filmed twice - once with Eric Stoltz in the role of Marty McFly, and once with Michael J. Fox. But despite Studio proclamations that only a few scenes were involved, the truth is that the majority of the film was shot with Eric Stoltz. The other actors confirmed it was flmed twice.

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200+ PAGES of beautiful wallpapers

All at least 1024x768. Crystal-clear, vivid-colored imaging with a wide variety of subjects (including landscapes, animals, plants, cars, still life, sky, and much more). Definitely THE best wallpaper site I've been to.

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Wikipedia adds new feature - Cite This Article

With no fanfare, Wikipedia has added a handy new feature - Cite This Article. From anywhere inside wikipedia (my example is to the article on webmastering), click on 'Cite This Article' to get the full citation in 9 different formats, MLA, APA, and Bibtex included! High School and college students rejoice

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Thursday, July 27, 2006

In tunneling physics, a decades-old paradox is resolved

As if the concept of quantum tunneling
�where atoms pass through barriers�isn't confusing enough, one of the vexing questions within that area of physics is why particles seem to travel faster than the speed of light when passing through a barrier, but not when they travel through empty space.

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US government sues Missouri officials to squash state's subpoena of AT&T.

The federal government wants to be able to know everything you do, but they don't want anyone to know about their actions. They are willing to argue both sides of a case to prevent citizens and states from finding out what AT&T has been doing in those secret rooms.

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Scorched 3D - A 3D Remake Of Scorched Earth

Remember Scorched Earth - the old DOS based tank game? Thanks to a co-worker, I was let in on Scorched 3D, a remake of the original game in OpenGL featuring 3D terrain and LAN/Internet play. It's available for free for Mac OSX, Linux, and Windows platforms. Be nostalgic, and play the successor to the "mother of all games". Not new, but fun.

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Zelda: The Lost & Found beta tester's Wind Waker levels - hidden in game!

Using the cheat code system ActionReplay, a clever group of gamers stumbled upon fourteen playable Zelda maps never meant for gamer's eyes. Two gameplay videos, seven screenshots, and all the codes compiled.

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A Brief History of Human Sex

Was it any different in caveman days? And just how does human sexuality differ compared to that of a bonobo ape? The answers might surprise you.

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Sen. Stevens May Appear on "Daily Show" to Defend Internet Tube Comments

Mocked by comedian Jon Stewart for calling the Internet a bunch of tubes, U.S. Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Ted Stevens said on Thursday he is open to going on Stewart's popular "Daily Show" for a rebuttal.

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Quick Reference to Where You Can Watch TV Online

Jeff Pulver provides a comprehensive list of places you can watch TV online, including descriptions of content and prices where applicable.

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Israel will occupy area of Lebanon as security zone

"Almost two weeks into its military assault on Hezbollah, Israel said Tuesday that it would occupy a strip inside southern Lebanon with ground troops until an international force could take its place."

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Kevin Smith Sits In For Roger Ebert

"Looks like I'll be sitting in for Roger Ebert next week, as a guest critic on "Ebert and Roeper". Kind of a cool honor, I feel. We'll be checking out "Miami Vice", "Ant Bully", "Talladega Nights", "Barnyard" and maybe (fingers crossed) "World Trade Center"."

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'Crash' stars, director, producers, writers still waiting for their money

It costs $7.5 million, it made $180 million. Director Paul Haggis made $300,000 on the film...not a lot by Hollywood standards for a huge hit...all the main actors deferred their usual fees for percentages of the film's profits...they just got checks for $19,000. Where is all the money?

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09/13/2001 - Only close-ups ever taken of the World Trade Center Site

These photos were taken at Ground Zero, the World Trade Center site in New York, on September 13, 2001.

They were taken by someone named "Ed" who was allowed into the area by a member of the emergency response crew, at a time when all civilians -- including most journalists -- were forbidden to enter the area.

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AMD & ATI Answers to Rumormongering

There have been a lot of rumors and assumptions flying since Monday morning on what exactly some of the finer points to the AMD / ATI merger are going to be. ATI has just answered some of those questions.

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What happens if you put random stuff in a microwave... at the same time?

Brainiac finds out what happens when you fill a microwave oven with random household objects, and of course some explosives. A tin of baked beans, a CD, christmas lights and a bar of soap are among the entrants. Guess what happens... I love the way the christmas lights twinkle from being zapped!

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Flying an F-15 with one wing!

"The IAF (Israeli Air Force) contacted McDonnel Douglas and asked for information about possibility to land an F-15 with one wing . MD replied that this is aerodynamically impossible, as confirmed by computer simulations... Then they received the photo...."

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Going With Your Gut: Strengthening Your Sixth Sense

"People treat intuition like it's a dirty word, but it's actually one of the body's survival mechanisms," says Antoine Bechara, Ph.D., an associate professor of neurology at the University of Iowa. "It's a means of taking you away from danger and steering you toward what is good for you."

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10 nasty money habits to kick

Stop making the same mistakes every year and wondering why you can�t save. Break the cycle and change your life.

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Cool picture of Space Shuttle approaching ISS (HUGE IMAGE)

Check out this amazing picture of Space Shuttle Discovery approaching the International Space Station during the STS-121 mission earlier this month.

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Kansas, Undo the Damage

If you are a voting citizen of Kansas, then next Tuesday, August 1 is a day when you have an important opportunity to stand up for good science education. You need to vote in the primary election and defeat the members of the State Board of Education who have inflicted embarrassing creationist nonsense on your home's science curriculum.

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YouTube - Chapter 1: What do cheaters see when they cheat?

Here's what Counter Strike looks like from a cheater's perspective.

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Canadian General: UN Observer Post Used By Hizballah

Retired Canadian Major General Lewis Mackenzie was interviewed on CBC radio, and had some very interesting news about the UN observer post hit by Israeli shells; the Canadian peacekeeper killed there had previously emailed Mackenzie telling him that Hizballah was using their post as cover.

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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Origin of Control-Alt-Delete

Hilarious video that shows how Bill Gates made Ctrl-Alt-Del famous.

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Colbert Fights Back

Colbert defending his interview with Congressman Wexler and makes fun of morning news for deriding his program.

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Toms Hardwares Beginner's Guide to Motherboard Selection

It's easy to forget that many newcomers lack the requisite knowledge to take advantage of the advice we give.

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Leo Laporte posts his thoughts on the "Digg vs Netscape" controversy

From Leo's blog: "The question is, do the top 10 contributors on a social networking site determine its success or failure? Of course not... Digg is what it is because of the entire community that participates there... Losing any 10 contributors would make no difference at all"

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Nice or Nasty? Maybe It's in the Genes

On an animal-breeding farm in Siberia are cages housing two colonies of rats. In one colony, the rats have been bred for tameness. The other colony of rats has been bred from exactly the same stock, but for aggressiveness instead. The two strains of rat are part of a remarkable experiment started in the former Soviet Union in 1959.

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Well done Matrix imitation with funny Windows XP twist

Here's a neat video on YouTube that does a good job of simulating the special effects of the Matrix with a humorous ending. Take a look!

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Bush's Plan for "Serial War" revealed by General Wesley Clark

"[The] Five-year campaign plan [includes]... a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan" (Pentagon official quoted by General Wesley Clark)

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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The 10 Greatest Years In Videogame History

"We considered each year as a whole, looking at how many great games came out, just how great each was, and even how they play today. And our final results shocked even us."

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What Made TechTV Different

Chris Pirillo talks about what was so darned good about TechTV.

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100-Gig Ethernet Takes First Step

The issue is being driven by continued increases in network traffic, particularly as more bandwidth-hungry applications (e.g., video) arise. Experts have said that some key Internet exchange points -- Amsterdam being one -- are saying they could use 100-Gbit/s Ethernet capability right now.

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Scientists Say They�ve Found a Code Beyond Genetics in DNA

Researchers believe they have found a second code in DNA in addition to the genetic code. The genetic code specifies all the proteins that a cell makes. The second code, superimposed on the first, sets the placement of the nucleosomes, miniature protein spools around which the DNA is looped. The spools both protect and control access to the DNA.

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15 Years of Sonic the Hedgehog (Video Retrospective)

�As of May 2006, the [Sonic] franchise has sold more than 44 million units, with more games slated for release in the later half of 2006� (Wikipedia).

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Man dies after filmed beating by Mississippi Cops; No charges, arrests.

Jessie Lee Williams, Jr. a 40-year-old black man in a Southern Mississippi jail, was allegedly hooded and hog-tied by police, beaten about the head and testicles and ultimately died from blunt injuries to the head. Despite the fact that the beating was videotaped, and the coroner determined the death a homicide, no arrests have been made.

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10 Things I Hate About Commandments

10 Things I Hate about You + 10 Commandments = Comedy Gold.

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How to: Make a Flaming Vortex of DOOM with a Computer Fan

Step by step instructions to make a flaming vortex

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Monopoly replaces cash with Visa debit card

Say goodbye to the rainbow-colored monopoly money of yore.

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Nobel 'Peace' prize winner wants to 'kill' President Bush

Betty Williams was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 30 years ago. But the lady now wants to kill the President.

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Davy Jones Completely CG -- Amazing

A slide show showing the actor being completely replaced by the CG Jones. Some of the most amazing CG...ever.

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Babylon 5 returns!

One of the greatest sci-fi series of all time will return in a series of direct-to-DVD mini movies. They will be written and directed by J. Michael Straczynski and we can expect the first set to be released during the second quarter of 2007.

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Einstein's Equations Conquered by Columbia Supercomputer & NASA

For 90 years, physicists have tried to solve the equations that constitute Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity - the concept that matter, space and time are intertwined. But some of Einstein's abstract equations have proven too complicated to reliably calculate using traditional computer software and hardware. Until now, that is.

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China to test its 'artificial sun'

The first plasma discharge from China's experimental advanced superconducting research center -- the so-called "artificial sun" -- is set to occur next month.

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Sonic the Hedgehog

Play the full original Sonic the Hedgehog in flash

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Monday, July 24, 2006

Why Female Teachers Have Sex With Students! Excellent info

MSNBC story on why female teachers have sex with students--excellent, smart, cool.

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The Real Tragedy of Student Debt

A young, working-class woman shares her story of a subtle slide into unbearable debt.

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Video Display Projects Images Into Thin Air

Right out of Star Wars, this new technology requires no screens, monitors or other physical surfaces to be able to project and display its images.

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Penn and Teller Do the Cups and Balls Trick with Clear Cups

Penn and Teller reveal how the cups and balls trick works using see-through cups.

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How 25 years of MTV have Changed the World (for better and worse)

MTV famously claimed its first casualty with its premiere video, aired August 1, 1981. But since video killed the radio star, what has the network accomplished?

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The Top 10 Most Memorable Cheats In Gaming History

Here is a list of the top 10 most memorable cheats that will hopefully forever be remembered in video game history.

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X-Men Blooper JUST WATCH

Ah yes, here come the heros to save the day... but wait!!! Who's that behind them...?

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Sex in Space: Getting a Grip on Gravity

While sex in space is now a front and center topic of talk in public space travel circles, it may be far more complex and foreboding than once thought.

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Corporate Websites from 1996

Wow, Internet 1.0 sure was ugly!

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The War in Iraq by the makers of Wallace & Gromit

Creature Comforts is the name of this humorous show --first an animated short film then television series with the same style. In this episode, (suitable?) clay animals and insects lip-sync speeches given by George W Bush, Tony Blair and such.

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Hanged from a crane aged 16: Justice Iran style

The Iranian judge who had sentenced 16-year-old Atefeh Rajabito to death was left unmoved as he personally put the noose around her neck and signalled to the crane driver. Kicking and screaming, Atefeh was left dangling for 45 minutes from the arm of the crane. Her crime? She had sex with an unmarried man.

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McDonald's Food will decompose your body, but not itself... sick...

The guy from Super Size Me has a short video that shows how McDonald's food doesn't naturally decompose very well.

Kinda Scary....

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Architecture: Green Wonders of the World

These environmentally conscious buildings, neighborhoods, and even towns prove that going green can inspire great architecture. Today's green buildings, by contrast, minimize energy use, employ sustainable materials, and win architecture awards. This list of Green Wonders of the World celebrates this shift.

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Knife Sharpening Tricks

There are many ways to sharpen a knife. This method produces a good general purpose edge.

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Erase permanent marker from your dry erase board

Just what the title says. If you have permanent marker on your board, remove it with three easy steps. I did it and it definitely works. I removed markings that were four years old without much hassle.

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Sunday, July 23, 2006

How to translate a research paper

"This is the popular tool for reading research papers seen tacked up in offices, labs, and above copying machines everywhere. It has been reported that it originally appeared in a scientific journal article, Graham, Jr., C. D., Metal Progress Volume 71, Number 5 May, 1957." Learn how to b.s. certain phrases in your research paper!

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The Wolfowitz Doctrine: Blueprint for Imperialism

Want to know what Bush's strategy really is? Want to know what will happen next in the middle-east? This info has been available since 1992, after it was leaked by the NYT. Now see it for yourself. It might be a little hard to believe for some of you. If so, feel free to Google any of it, it is real.

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Islam and the Porno Devils

Can the clash between scantily clad secularism and conservative religious ideology produce a third way in the Arab world?

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Many Iranians aren't cheering about the Israeli-Hezbollah conflict.

Hezbollah may be considered by many to be Tehran's puppet, but that doesn't mean Iran's people are happy about it. Many believe that since Iran is Persian that they should stay out of what they consider an Arab conflict, and instead improve conditions at home.

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Absolute Coolest Picture You'll See Today! (Image Is Slightly NSFW)

This is a phenomenal animated flash animation of someone drawing a person from their skeleton all the way to their fully shaped and clothed body. Check it out -- I'd need a few more words to describe that picture =)

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Video Game Themed Cakes

Pictures of same amazingly well-done video-game themed cakes. Included are an NES cake, Game Boy cake and arcade cabinet cakes.

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Friday, July 21, 2006

Underground City [Pictures]

Pictures from the deep dark regions under Russian streets.

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Dark Matter Might Have Been Detected For The First Time

Axions produced during the big bang could be lurking all around us, contributing to the dark matter that constitutes 22 percent of the universe. Other axions, freshly formed inside the sun, could be streaming through us.

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Jimmy Kimmel on Unnecessary Censorship

Jimmy Kimmel takes regular clips and bleeps words that weren't really bad to make them sound SO much worse. HILARIOUS!

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Brilliant men always cheat on their wives

"Every creative act, every new formula, every ground-breaking innovation, is an act of rebellion that may - if successful - destroy an old, existing concept. So every time a brilliant mind sees a new possibility, it is faced with a moment of supreme risk-taking..." "..."despite the dangers, both on and off the intellectual field."

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New Samsung Monitor Pumps Up The Color

While it might not include a gimmicky feature like a swiveling neck, it does feature 97% color reproduction � said to be the best of any monitor in the industry, whose average is 87%. It also impresses with its 2-ms response time, cutting down on those annoying blurs you get on some LCD screens, and a 2,000:1 contrast ratio.

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very cool flash personal website


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Jon Stewart on Bush's Veto and Stem Cell Research

The president used his first veto to stop publicly funded stem cell research, Jon Stewart rips him and his cronies a new asshole!

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What Is It Like to be a Spider?

Jumping spiders will spot a prey spider sitting in a web, then take a route that eventually gets them closer to the prey while staying hidden from it. This hunting �detour� may take hours, during which the jumping spider often does not have the prey in visual contact. That is, it seems to have �memory� of a �goal�.

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Iranians witnessed North Korea Missile test

One or more Iranians witnessed North Korea's recent missile tests, deepening U.S. concerns about growing ties between two countries with troubling nuclear capabilities

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Security Geek Fired By Suits: For Doing His Job?

A security geek is fired by executive management after the company is broken into by thieves and lose nearly $100k in equipment. The security geek had previously recommended safety measures that would have presented this, but they were shot down by those same executives! Who should have been fired in this story?

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Role Playing Game Inspirational Posters

Probably not as effective, but definitely funnier than the ones hung on the walls of offices...

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Enough already with the megapixels!

Interesting article that explains why sensor size is important, not just megapixels.

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Judge Denies US Governements Motion To Dismiss NSA Spying Case

A federal judge today denied the government's motion to dismiss the Electronic Frontier Foundation's (EFF's) case against AT&T for collaborating with the NSA in illegal spying of millions of ordinary Americans.

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Allied math nerds gleaned German WWII tank production from serial numbers

This article shows that just by reading the serial numbers of captured German tanks Allied boffins figured out a simple formula to calculate German tank production. And the formula was correct to within a small number of tanks. Remember folks: sequential serial numbers leak information.

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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Mother Of ALL Family Guy clips HILARIOUS!!!!

This is the MOTHER of all family guy clips. This took me 4 days, several drafts, and i had to use differnet editing software, because windows movie maker isnt very great.

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50 Albums That Changed Music

All about those rare albums that have a lasting impact on the history of music.

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An interesting map of Myths and Fairies

Don't knock it until you've seen it...

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Presidential Power on Steroids

It is one of the founding principles of American government that no one branch should be beyond scrutiny or reproach. Yet having abdicated its own role as a check on executive excess, Congress is now entertaining the possibility of helping the president eliminate the judicial check as well.

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TOP 10 free and cheap productivity tools

Getting organized, focused and productive doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg. Here is Top 10 free and cheap productivity tools

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Texas Man Catches Fish With Human-Like Teeth

A fish caught in Lubbock, Texas, with teeth that look like they belong to a human has baffled wildlife officials in the area, according to a report.

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Apple Offers FREE Accessories with Refurbished iPods

Apple is currently offering a selection of refurbished iPods that come with a free bonus accessory, such as armbands and headphones, as an added incentive.

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Does Your iPod Play Favorites?

"My first iPod seemed to have a fondness for Steely Dan, while other artists were sent into permanent exile."

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Cruise Ship Was 5 Degrees From Flipping

The Crown Princess cruise ship tilted 38 degrees during a steering malfunction near Port Canaveral -- which was reportedly five degrees from flipping over and sending passengers into the sea.

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Elizabeth Smart puts Nancy Grace in Her Place

Nancy Grace interviewed Elizabeth Smart, the young girl who was abducted from her bedroom when she was fourteen years old and couldn
�t have been more insensitive to her feelings on the topic of her abduction. Elizabeth is trying to help get a new sex offender bill passed through the House and Senate so she agreed to be on the show...

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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Running for Beginners

A great basic beginners guide: "In 2003, I said that the only time you
�d ever find me running was if Godzilla were chasing me. Then, a year later, I ran a trail marathon in November 2004. Marathons are officially 26.2 miles."

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Guide to Those Useless Windows XP Services

here is a look at the default set of services that come with a fresh installation of Windows XP. "We'll tell you the ones that you don't need and try to tell you why, so you can disable them without any problems."

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Homeland Security Wasted Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars on iPods

The Homeland Security Department wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars last year on iPods, dog booties, beer-making equipment and designer jackets, congressional investigators have concluded.

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Jon Stewart Slams The Media on Mid-East Crisis

Jon Stewart took on the media and their coverage of the current crisis in the middle east.

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Noob's guide to manual photography

Some might ask why you would want or need to modify camera settings manually when the camera can do it for you �just fine.� If you really want to end up with expressive photographs instead of mere snapshots, this beginner's guide is a must-read. I personally didn't really get into photography until I learned the manual controls. Check it out.

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Is your name popular? (Or, when did people stop naming their kids Edith?)

Amazingly cool Java app lets you enter a name and shows you how popular it was from 1880 to the present. Edith has been on the decline since 1880, Sunshine peaked in the 1970s, and the undisputed king of girls names Mary is just on the way out circa 2006. Click "Launch NameVoyager" towards the bottom.

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Arab Majority May Not Stay Forever Silent

Yes, world, there is a silent Arab majority that believes that seventh-century Islam is not fit for 21st-century challenges. That women do not have to look like walking black tents. That men do not have to wear beards and robes, act like lunatics, and run around blowing themselves up in order to enjoy 72 virgins in paradise.

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Turkey Signals It's Prepared to Invade Iraq

Turkey has signaled again that it will invade Iraq if Bush doesn't do something about the Turkish Kurd terrorist groups who are attacking Turkish troops, or if the Iraqi Kurds ask for autonomy.

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Lewis Black rants about

Ohhh, boy. This is some funny stuff.

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Spore: Exclusive Hands On

Forget the interviews and Wright-controlled E3 demos. This is the real deal; a hands on preview of his next masterwork as played by a gamer. Which means the question can finally be answered: is the game really any fun?

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Critic flees Clerks II 'smut' screening...

"Time to go!" roared Siegel to his fellow critics. "First movie I've walked out of in 30 [bleeping] years!" His tirade came 40 minutes into the long-awaited Weinstein Company sequel to Smith's 1994 cult classic about two foul-mouthed Long Island convenience store clerks who razz customers and goof off.

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Google Not A "One Trick Pony" Search

Google Tips and Tricks. Nice concise listing of the google operators. For example a google search for "1 mile in feet" will return "5 280 feet", or "safesearch: sex education" will omit adult oriented sites.

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With Google Earth, defense analysts spot North Korea missile sites

"Colin, an intern here, was poking around North Korea on Google Earth and discovered that defense analysts -- active duty and retired -- are identifying missile installations and sub bases flagged by civilians. From a retired Army satellite analyst..."

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Peter Griffin Top 10

Top 10 things Peter Griffin would like to say to America. Clip from Letterman.

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Ukrainian girl who was raised by dogs - 1 of 100 "feral children" known

Up to this point, you think the young woman could be acting � but the moment she shakes her head and neck free of droplets, exactly like a dog when it emerges from a swim, you get a creepy sense that this is something beyond imitation. Then she barks.

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Israel claims Iran link to crisis

Hezbollah's capture of two Israeli soldiers last week was timed to divert attention from Tehran's nuclear programme, the Israeli PM has claimed.

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Mac OS X 'Leopard': Which Machines Will Make the Cut?

The feature set of the new Mac operating system will be revealed soon, but there's no way that all currently supported machines will run it. Which ones will make the cut and which will be left running "Tiger"?

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Jon Stewart on Bush's "Sh*t" Comment

Jon Stewart pokes fun at Bush's "sh*t" comment and other things. Umm.. Jon Stewart, yeah!

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Dept. of Homeland Lunacy

List of homeland security pork grants goes beyond parody to completely absurd.

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PayPal vs Google Checkout

CNet compares the differences between Paypal and Google Checkout in a very simple list. Pretty cool.

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He Just Can't Resist Her Breasts

This is the best way to repay one's best friend.
Enjoy ;)

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Silencing The Messenger

The best scientists, scrutinizing atmosphere, ice, earth, and sea, say global warming is approaching a tipping point. In his living room overlooking the Hudson, Hansen tells me that climatologists have now "made the science story much stronger than it was in 2000." Yet, he says, "we have not been able to impact the U.S. position.

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Study: Elders with dementia can tap into memory stores to give advice

Dementia may rob an older person of memory and focus, but the ability to offer timeless advice about life's big questions seems to be preserved. [...] They found that adults were more coherent, informative and focused on the topic when asked for advice as opposed to when they were simply asked about their children, church or marriage

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U.S inches closer to criminalizing bad thoughts.

The government claims to have foiled two major terror plots in the past month - both in early planning stages that had not crossed the line from talk to action. But before we shift completely from prosecuting cognizable terror conspiracies to prosecuting bad thoughts, we need to think carefully.

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U.S inches closer to criminalizing bad thoughts.

The government claims to have foiled two major terror plots in the past month - both in early planning stages that had not crossed the line from talk to action. But before we shift completely from prosecuting cognizable terror conspiracies to prosecuting bad thoughts, we need to think carefully.

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Chinese black helicopters circle Google Earth

Those among you who like your skies darkened by black helicopters are invited to mosey on down to the remote Chinese village of Huangyangtan which hosts what must be the strangest military installation ever spotted by the Google Earth Community...

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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Iran's Hizbollah says ready to attack US, Israel

Iran's Hizbollah, which claims links to the Lebanese group of the same name, said on Tuesday it stood ready to attack Israeli and U.S. interests worldwide.

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Comcast DOES NOT Censor ABC's Nightline

Please report the other story as inaccurate. It's not the submiters fault, there was a rebuttle. And here it is.

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Monty Python's Holy Grail meets Star Trek (TOS) -- Hilarious!

Someone with too much time on their hands, the Holy Grail soundtrack, and obviously the entire Star Trek original series on DVD/tape. Amazing job, works perfectly!

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Steve Wozniak, Leo Laporte and Kevin Spacey Team up for a movie

This film explores the origin of the true Hacker versus today's computer criminals by following the adventures of Adrian Lamo. The movie is in post-production and also has archival footage of Kevin Rose.

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10 Unknown Windows Freeware Apps You Should Know About

10 unknown Windows freeware applications any geek should at least know about.

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Rumsfeld's Wallet Targeted By New Bill

A bill has been proposed that would deduct $1,000 from Donald Rumsfeld's salary for every day after Jan. 1, 2007 that a military sexual-assault tracking system is not active. The Pentagon "has had 18 years to implement" the system.

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Kill-the-penny bill introduced

Representative Jim Kolbe from Arizona has introduced a bill that would eliminate the penny from the U.S. currency system. The penny, which is made primarily of zinc, costs approximately 1.4 cents per coin to mint due to the rising cost of zinc.

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HUGE AMD price cuts soon to come!!

A large drop in chip processors is among us.

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Why Mosquitoes Prey on Certain People More Than Others

Genetics account for a whopping 85% of our susceptibility to mosquito bites, and certain elements of our body chemistry make mosquitoes swarm closer. Any type of carbon dioxide is attractive, even over a long distance... larger people tend to give off more carbon dioxide. Movement and heat also attract mosquitoes.

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List of Google domains is very inaccurate

The list of domains that appear to be owned by Google from yesterday was created using a method that is very susceptible to inaccuracies -- most in that list are not owned by Google. How can you spot a real Google domain? Look for Mark Monitor.

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Science Facts that People Get Wrong

Nullius in Verba. That motto, from the Royal Society coat of arms is traditionally translated as "dont take anyone's word for it". There now follows some miscellaneous nonsense you hear or read about from time to time...

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Comcast Censors ABC's Nightline

Think there's no reason for Congress to pass net neutrality laws? Consider this: Comcast recently censored ABC's Nightline on its Comcast Broadband TV service by deleting the part of the broadcast that said a Comcast technician was sleeping on a customer's couch instead of installing residential broadband.

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Bush Personally Blocked DOJ Investigation Of Wiretapping Program (Video)

In testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee this morning, Gonzales said President Bush personally blocked Justice Department lawyers from pursuing an investigation of the administration's warrantless wiretapping program.

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Coming to video iPod: NVIDIA 3D graphics

When the so-called "true video iPod" debuts, chances are that it will be sporting technology from longtime competitor NVIDIA. Chillara is not certain that 3D functionality is at the heart of the NVIDIA's offering; it does stand to reason that NVIDIA's main edge over Broadcom would rest in the company's 3D prowess...

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Is America's $8 Billion Bottled Water Industry A Fraud?

"In a trendy nightclub in New York City, the bartender tells guests they can only be served bottled water, which costs $5 for each tiny half-pint container. One outraged clubber is
stopped by the restroom attendant as she tries to refill the bottle from the
tap. "You can't do that," says the attendant. "New York's tap water isn't

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Molecular DNA Switch Found to be the Same for All Life

The molecular machinery that starts the process by which a biological cell divides into two identical daughter cells apparently worked so well early on that evolution has conserved it across the eons in all forms of life on Earth.

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Time: Hate Thy Neighbor

In normal times, the hills of northern Galilee fill with tourists, some of them pilgrims seeking out the places where Jesus walked 2,000 years ago. Today those hills are burning. It is in Galilee that the rockets fired by Hizballah militants in Lebanon typically fall, occasionally scoring a direct hit on someone vulnerable,,,

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Vanity Fair: The Story Behind "Loose Change"

With $6,000 and a laptop computer, three kids from upstate New York made a documentary about 9/11 that spread across the Internet and threw millions for a loop.

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How to: Build a Q-Tip Gun

Launch Q-tips anywhere between 30-50ft.

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Red Steel multiplayer for the Wii: "the fight will not be only on screen"

An intriguing Red Steel multiplayer detail recently surfaced during GamePro's interview with Ubisoft creative director Nicolas Eypert. When asked about the game's multiplayer, Eypert had this to say: "[You'll] have up to four players. If they play together in split screens we can only say that the fight will not be only on screen."

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Top 5 Reasons why "The Customer Is Always Right" is wrong

"Let me get this straight: The company will side with petulant, unreasonable, angry, demanding customers instead of with me, it's loyal employee? And this is meant to lead to better customer service?"

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Star Trek The Animated Series on DVD Announced!

Formerly known as The Animated Adventures of Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek, the four-disc set will hit stores on November 21, 2006.

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Microsoft Clears Out of Lebanon

Microsoft takes extra precautions during the current Mideast conflict.

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Leo Laporte talks about hard drives over 80gbs in 2001.

This shows were we have come since 2001. Leo Laporte from Tech TV, and responds to an email message on one of his shows years ago, where the writer asks what their options are for buying a hard drive over 80gb. Today we can buy 500gb internal single drives that work great.Leo says don't buy anything over 80gb. Its fun to watch

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U.S. gov't billing citizens for evacuation from Beirut

One of Andrew Sullivan's readers, an American in Beirut, reported to Sullivan that the U.S. government's offer to evacuate Americans to protect them from the Israeli blitz comes with a price tag...

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Poll: Most Americans Support Full Due-Process Rights for Terror Suspects.

A recent survey showed that whether Republican or Democrat, Americans strongly support terrorism suspects rights. 73% of Americans support basic due process rights for terror suspects. And a majority of Americans, 57%, were against the Bush administration's practice of extraordinary rendition.

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Military experts see US Iraq exit in 2016!

The conservative Washington Times is reporting that U.S. war commanders think some level of American forces will be needed in Iraq until 2016 and those forces will receive continued support from the vast majority of Iraqis.

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Firefly / Serenity fan documentary Done The Impossible has gone Gold Master

We truly believe that you will enjoy the final product, we weren't kidding when we said that the DVD would have more special features than the Firefly and Serenity DVDs combined. This DVD is PACKED with content. On the DVD-ROM alone, there are over 6000 synced media events including searchable script, commentary and all 5 hours of bonus video...

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Stephen Colbert: It�s a World War III or IV

The Colbert Report has the latest from the usual FOX analysts and their take on the new crisis in the Middle East.

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How welfare reform changed America

A decade since welfare reform, the worst fears of those who opposed it haven't materialized. Thousands of poor children did not wind up "sleeping on grates," as senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan predicted. Nearly 70% of all single women are working and incomes have risen. Child poverty rates have dropped and teen pregnancies are down.

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Police vehicle bought on e-Bay and driven on road trip

A 21-year old San Jose resident buys an Oregon Police car and labels it "Psycho Patrol" before taking it on a concert road trip. He confuses drivers and other patrol cars nationwide. He seems to be having a great time.
It's legal, but barely...

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Monday, July 17, 2006

Pyro Sand Game

This brand new version of the old Falling Sand game is way better. With this one you can blow things up with Nitro, C-4, Napalm and Gunpowder. It's a blast!

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EA: "Wii could be first overall"

Speaking during EA's summer showcase Brown, EA's corporate communications VP, noted: "Everybody's saying that the Nintendo Wii is so unique that it's going to be the second system people buy (...) what they don't get is that if you're second on everybody's system, you're first overall."

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Training Attention

How do surgeons focus intently on their patients for hours on end? Why do other people have difficulty finishing a book or listening to a lecture? Can they train themselves to improve, as they might train to run a marathon or play the violin? New brain-imaging techniques could teach people to strengthen the brain's ability to control attention.

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Red Sun Rising: A Nuclear Japan?

No one knows how long it would take Japan to go nuclear, though estimates are days or weeks. But for 60 years Japan has refrained from becoming a nuclear power and remained militarily quiescent. That particular sun may be rising again, however, thanks to the support by China and South Korea for the military threats of North Korean dictator.

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Top 10 Worst Game Title Screens Ever

Soemthing Awful has compiled a list of the worst game title screens of all time.

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Good Hygiene Means Bad Allergies

Being too clean may cause more allergies.
As rates of asthma, hay fever and lupus have skyrocketed in industrial nations, the number of cases in less developed countries remains relatively low. Many scientists have attributed this disparity to a seemingly unlikely cause
â??citizens of first-world countries are becoming too clean.

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Bring down the RIAA lawsuits!

Ray Beckerman, one of the leading attorneys standing up to the RIAA, will sit down for a conference call with members and supporters. Ray will explain how we can fight 3 critical court cases, and he will demonstrate how the record labels collude to produce defective products -- defective because they are crippled with DRM.

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The Coolest Flickr Toy: Make Your Own Mozaic Picture

Awesome tool. Just upload your picture and take your mosaic picture. Just try it

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White House paying $100,000 salary to "Director of Lessons Learned"

"I would also ask the President why we're paying for two 'Ethics Advisors' and a 'Director of Fact Checking. They must be the only people in Washington who get more vacation time than the President. Maybe the White House could consolidate these positions into a Director of Irony." Illinois Rep. Rahm Emanuel brings the smackdown.

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HOW TO: Make a Very Simple Proximity Detector

Gadget freaks, model railroaders, roboticists or cat-hosts will love the versatility of the Sharp IS471 infrared proximity detector. It is the size of a transistor, operates over the 4-16 volt range, and can detect objects about 4-9 inches away by reflected IR pulses. COTS toilet auto-flush application instructions included...

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Trick : Cheapest broadband, DSL and Cable internet.

Articles tells us about a cool way to get the cheapest broadband access. At around $10 a month .. year after year.

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TOP 69 CSS Menus with Tutorials and Downloads

The ultimate CSS Menu resource with screenshots, tutorials and how-tos.

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18 Tricks to Teach Your Body

You'll remeber these tricks that you can do with your body when the time is needed.

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Teenage mothers see pregnancy as a 'career move'

Teenage girls who get pregnant are deliberately "planning" to become mothers in the belief that a baby will improve the quality of their lives. An extensive study published today reveals that girls as young as 13 are making a "career choice" by deciding to have children, since they see parenting as preferable to working in a dead-end job.

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The Era Of Cheap Money Is Over

Fears are growing of a sharp slowdown in the global economy, triggered by big increases in energy prices and rising interest rates.

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Zogby Poll: Iran Is a Country Divided

Iran is a country divided, according to a new Zogby International poll of Iranians out today. Nearly a third of those polled want Iran to become more secular and liberal, whereas just over a third want the country to more religious and conservative. Unsurprisingly, many divisions are generational.

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Photo could be world's largest

What is believed to be the world's largest photo was successfully created in a hangar that had been converted into a massive camera at the former El Toro Marine Corps base.

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Caffeine and Endurance

For years athletes have been using caffeine in various doses to improve their performance; with it you can run it faster, but only if done correctly, this article is about who can benefit from caffeine and how it can be properly used.

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The Flintsones Cigerette Commercial

It turns out that Fred and Barney smoked Winstons. People forget that the Flintstones where originally geared for adults, and debuted in prime-time.

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Think fast! Rice Undergrad Unlocks Nerve Speed Secret

Study finds protein responsible for quick release of neural signals

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500 Beatles tapes are found

The newly found tapes recorded them performing more than 200 cover versions of work by the artists who had influenced them: Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley and Buddy Holly.

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Using Google Earth to play Battleship

Interesting summer laboratory experiment to see how Google Earth could become a platform for real-time mobile gaming, with details on how it is being used to play that old favorite tabletop game, Battleship.

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Royal Navy: Lebanon Evacuation Biggest Since WW II

When the Royal Navy warships arrive off Lebanon on Wednesday, they will be ready to mount the biggest evacuation of British citizens since the Second World War. Although the Govt. has not yet decided to issue a "national evacuation order", an aircraft carrier, and a new commando assault ship, have been sent to the Lebanese coast.

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Lucrative College Degrees

Some majors are raking in big increases in starting salaries. But the initial offers on others haven't kept pace with inflation.

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Flexgrid - Bendable LED Display (with video)

Flexgrid, a bendable display made of plexi squares, LEDs, and microcontrollers. Embedded into a suit, this interactive display would allow for users to talk to the clothing, having it react in different ways depending on how you talked to it. This would give the clothing a "personality" of its own

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Bush says Syria needs to stop "this shit" at G8 lunch.

Bush, without realizing that a microphone was on talked about Syria needing to stop doing "this shit". The transcript of the report is not yet online (as it is 5:20am), but should be within 30 mins. Side note: Bush chews very loudly.

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Sunday, July 16, 2006

Newt Gingrich Says It's World War III

Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich says America is in World War III and President Bush should say so.

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275 Excellent Free Website Templates

Site also includes 60 free logo templates, 63 free banner templates, 84 free newsletter templates, website arrows, abstract images, and much more. Fantastic resource.

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Pervert Mom Avoids Jail

A handicapped mother and a story so weird we should have a container other than "Offbeat News" for it...

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Conan O'Brian interview with Stephen Colbert

Stephen talks about his high school, being a geek, and â??Strangers with Candyâ?? among other things.

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Top 10 Mac Applications For Students

If a student could only have ten application installed for academic work, these are what they should have.

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WoW Guild Helps Cancer Victim in True Display of Selflessness

If only we could get stories like this out to the public to show that all game players shouldn't be characterized as gun touting teenager pyschopaths!! Truly a wonderful story of how the gaming community comes together when others do not heed the call!

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Newt Gingrich Says It's World War III

Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich says America is in World War III and President Bush should say so.

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Can White House Officials Be Sued?

The lawsuit filed last week against Vice President and senior White House officials delighted opponents of the Bush administration. But before the case can go to trial, courts must decide whether those named in the suit have immunity. The law is clear that the president has absolute immunity from lawsuits for anything he does while in office.

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Nike+iPod works with any shoe: The 99-cent DIY shoe mod

This mod lets you use the Nike+iPod Sport Kit with any brand of running shoe. It's quick and easy...and it works! Doesn't damage your shoes, either. Step-by-step guide and photos.

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Kid builds homemade rocket launcher.

This kid on these forums built his own rocket laucher and posted about it. I thought you guys would get a kick out of this. (These are American kids. I'm so proud!)

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Minutes Of Work Needed To Buy Gallon Of Gas [Graph]

This is 1950 - 2006 graph of how many minutes were/are required, for an average worker, to purchase one gallon of gas. The June 2006 average, according to this graph is 11 minutes per gallon (MPG). Note: the sources and methodology for this graph are currently unknown.

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Top Iraq General: "We're Closer To The Beginning Than We Are To The End"

When asked if the U.S. is winning the war in Iraq, Gen. Peter J. Schoomaker paused for more than 10 seconds after he was asked the question before venturing: "I think I would answer that by telling you I don't think we're losing."

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HOWTO: Make a Movie That Looks Like The Scanner Darkly

This tutorial shows you how to make any QuickTime video look like the Scanner Darkly.

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The #1 most useful app for Windows users...and it's FREE!

I never understood why Microsoft didn't include this in the original release of Windows, but you will never have to right-click->Properties to get a folder size again! Great for answering that age old questions "why is my drive so full?" and "where is all my shit hiding?".

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How to Get Laid at an Anti-Abortion Rally

A great scene from the FX show "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia"

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Saturday, July 15, 2006

I Have A Plan To Destroy America

A true, fascinating speech by former Colorado Governor Richard D. Lamm on how to destroy America through multiculturalism. The audience sat spellbound as he described eight methods for the destruction of the United States.

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800 Watt Hours A Day! The Most Efficient Modern House?

This house has the conveniences of a modern house, but consumes only 800Whr on average per day. Compare this to a typical U.S. suburban house that uses 45 kilowatt hours (kWh) per day. How is this reduction possible?

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Is This Car Sexy or Sexist?

Volvo's YCC concept car designed entirely by a team of female engineers and stylists, met with snickers from most people when it debuted."It's loaded with simplifying features ostensibly designed to attract a female audience. For instance, only mechanics can open the hood, on the assumption that women don't want to mess with what's under it."

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Japanese Maglev Train Hits 500 KM/H

An amazing video that shows the train's acceleration to 500 km/h+, and then several impressive outside shots.

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Liquid Crystal Lenses May Replace Bifocals

Now Li, Nasser Peyghambarian, and a team from Arizona and from Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta have demonstrated a liquid-crystal-based lens that quickly switches its focusing power with the application of an electric signal to provide a distortion-free image of the entire field of view.

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Missile, not drone, hit Israeli warship.

JERUSALEM - A missile fired by Hezbollah, not an unmanned drone laden with explosives, damaged an Israeli warship off Lebanon, the army said Saturday. "We can confirm that it was hit by an Iranian-made missile launched by Hezbollah. We see this as very profound fingerprint of Iranian involvement in Hezbollah," Nehushtan said

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Lebanon calls for cease-fire under U.N.

BEIRUT, Lebanon - Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Saniora called for a cease-fire under U.N. auspices Saturday, as Israeli warplanes hit central Beirut for the first time and smashed the Hezbollah leadership's main strongholds.Israel charges that Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards have 100 troops in Lebanon providing Hezbollah key support.

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Nintendo DS Booting Macintosh System 6

Here are some screenshots of the Nintendo DS running the old Macintosh OS.

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Camp Hell, Afghanistan: Bush's forgotten war

"To see how violent the war in Afghanistan has turned, look no further than the soldiers at this base. They have been attacked every few days. Life on the new base is bleak, a constant struggle in a windy desert where temperatures soar higher than 120 degrees. 'And I thought Iraq was bad,' said Staff Sgt. Robert Masher, 29, of Pittson, Pa."

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Comparison of Battlestar Galactica (1978) and Battlestar Galactica (2003)

The new 2003 Battlestar Galactica miniseries and subsequent television series were a significant re-imagining and departure from the 1978 Battlestar Galactica. In many ways they were a completely new series with only some borrowed ideas and characters from the original.

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Putin Mocks Iraq Quagmire at G8 Summit, Bush Embarrassed

"'I talked about my desire to promote institutional change ... like Iraq' - Bush. 'We certainly would not want to have the same kind of democracy as they have in Iraq, I will tell you quite honestly.' - Putin. Bush's face reddened as he tried to laugh off the remark. 'Just wait,' Bush replied."

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