Friday, June 30, 2006

The Ten Assumptions of Tech Support

Technicians believe that users ought to be interested in technology and explanations. They become frustrated when they discover that users are interested only in results. Technicians cannot guarantee results, but they can explain in user-incomprehensible detail why things used to work but then ceased working, and why things will be working again...

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The Myth of Al Qaeda

Before 9/11, Osama bin Laden's group was small and fractious. How Washington helped to build it into a global threat.

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Amazingly Detailed Flash Periodic Table

Displays everything from boiling points to electron orbitals. Completely customizable coloring. Each element links to wikipedia.

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Stream your entire music collection through a web browser!

This is a really awesome application, I tried others, but I hated having just use the browser to select what song to play, and then use a media player to play the stream. With this I can stream it directly through a browser and even create playlists. It's so nice being able to listen to my entire music collection from home while at work.

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Has Noah's Ark Been Found? A Team Of Texas Archaeologists Believe So.

"A team of Texas archaeologists believe they may have located the remains of Noah's Ark in Iran's Elburz mountain range."

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Know your rights when you've been pulled over

Video on what you should know when you've been pulled over by the police.

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Man charged after videotaping police

A man was charged with violating state wiretap laws by recording a detective on his home security camera, while the detective was investigating the man's sons.

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Insaine Smart Car Video -- Amazingly Safe

Video shows a few crashes of a smart car. One of the crashes is a 70 mph head on collision against a concrete wall...just watch to see what happens....

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Possibly the greatest TV advert ever made?

This advert for Lynx deodorant was shown on ITV1 just before the England World Cup match.

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Must know tips & tricks for photographers using photoshop

Some really neat tips, tricks and tutorials that can make a huge impact on your pictures.

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The Simpsons on Conan O Brien (video)

This is a video of the guys who do the Simpsons voices on Conan O Brien

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See the Space Ship Leave our Orbit

If weather permits, there is a good chance for skywatchers across much of the United States and southern Canada to see the Space Shuttle Discovery in orbit.

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Cervical Cancer Vaccine given BIG(2 Billion Dollar) thumbs up by government

"A federal vaccine advisory panel voted unanimously yesterday to recommend that all girls and women ages 11 to 26 receive a new vaccine that prevents most cases of cervical cancer." "...all but commits the federal government to spend as much as $2 billion alone on a program to buy the vaccine for the nation's poorest girls from 11 to 18."

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Taking a closer look at designing a website

I found this on the net, hilarious, but oh so true. Don't you think IE users should switch just to make the lives of many web designers (including me) a lot easier? We'll see how IE7 handles CSS.

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Bug Chasers: The men who long to be HIV+

An underground world that has sprouted, driven almost completely by the Internet, in which men who want to be infected with HIV get together with those who are willing to infect them. The men who want the virus are called "bug chasers". This is pretty messed up if you ask me.

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Why Congress is Debating Flag-Burning Instead Of Global Warming.

The Top 7 Ways You Can Tell It's Mid-Term Election Time.

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Stephen Colbert on the Guantanamo Bay Prison Debate!

What do you do after you've successfully converted 460 people into America haters and the rest of the world steps in demanding they be unleashed? Maybe it's not enough to teach them how to kill themselves. Watch Stephen Colbert throw down a debate against somone with the biggest of balls.

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Israel seizes a third of the Palestinian cabinet and 23 legislators

"Israeli troops seized 64 members of Hamas in the West Bank on Thursday, including a third of the Palestinian cabinet and 23 legislators, a move that Israeli officials said indicated a significant change in Israel's policy toward the Hamas government."

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Microsoft to release the "Ultimate" Keyboard

Can a keyboard create its own mood lighting? Respond to you? Enlighten you? Move with you? Microsoft say their ultimate desktop keyboard can with ambient backlighting, proximity sensing and 30-feet of range.

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Windows Vista Editorials - Everyone is Missing the Point

[H] Consumer shows a couple of different groups of thought about the recent Windows Vista Beta then puts a finger on just what everyone is missing. You can't even use the OS today and expose its true talents outside of the eye candy.

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Funniest REAL help desk tickets you will ever read!

I don't think there could be trouble tickets any funnier than these submitted by an employee named "George." Absolutely hilarious!

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DuPont develops a new nanocomposite thermoplastic

DuPont has that it had created a new nanocomposite thermoplastic (DNM), which would lead to major improvements in mechanical properties, high-temperature performance and other characteristics of a number of its products. Now, DuPont can now make plastics lighter without compromising their strength. (Note: Article really starts in 4th paragraph)

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Top 5 Falsehoods About NY Times vs. Bush Bank-Snooping Program

The Bush administration and its supporters in the media have relied on numerous false and misleading claims to support their arguments.

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One year later: How Apple's Intel transition is going

The move in the first place was accepted by most people, and a year later the transition seems to be running smoothly

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Student inventors make presentation to Bill Gates

Teams of student inventors got to present some health-based inventions to the world's richest man. Inventions displayed to Gates included an invention that enabled blind people to perceive surroundings by using echo feedback similar to that used by bats. Gates peppered students with questions and spent alot of time checking out their inventions.

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House OKs funding for Mars mission

President Bush's plan to send man to Mars in coming decades received a green light Thursday as the House passed a bill funding the annual budget of NASA...

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Novell takes Microsoft fight to desktop

"Novell has very loyal customers, and a solid install base... It just won't die."

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NASA's J-Track 3-D: Track 900 man-made satellites in real-time

"What you will see (assuming your system supports this JAVA applet) is a plot in 3-dimensions showing the position of these satellites. Be sure to try the "Satellite" pull-down menu to choose which satellite you wish to view."

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Big Test For Single-Sex Public Schools

The US is about to start an experiment to quell a gender war over whether schools favor boys or girls. The Education Department will soon issue rules to expand the number of single-sex public schools. But will such segregation really end this debate?

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Virtual Blue Angels

A team of hardcore flight-sim enthusiasts virtually recreate the precision flight performance of the Blue Angels. Using the PC game, Lock On: Flaming Cliffs, six virtual pilots give the real life jet jockeys a run for their money. Perhaps the only thing lacking is the excruciating Gs and the fact that one false move won't end in certain death.

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Apple Acknowledges MacBook Stains as Manufacturing Defect

With all the complaints popping up everywhere about the plastics of the white Macbooks, Apple has finally recognized it as a manufacturing problem after previously saying it was a cosmetic problem caused by the owner through improper handling.

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Wii lookin' wee next to PS3

Remember that dude DocCRP, who made a cardboard representation of the Wii and put it next to a bunch of junk to show off the real size of the little guy? Well, he's back at it again. This time, he stacks up the Wii next to the monster truck-sized PlayStation 3.

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Thursday, June 29, 2006

In the long run, we regret virtue more than vice

A couple of Columbia University researchers have found that in the long run, people tend to regret having missed out on opportunities for pleasure -- and they wish they hadn't been so diligent about working.

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Microsoft Instructions on how to Disable WGA Notifications!

I wonder who forced them to do this? You can also stop it from phoning home.

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Growing Up in Scientology Interview (w/ video)

A SCARY look into the life of two women raised in scientology, nuff said.

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Blair laid bare: the article that may get you arrested

In the guise of fighting terrorism and maintaining public order, Tony Blair's Government has quietly and systematically taken power from Parliament and the British people. The author charts a nine-year assault on civil liberties that reveals the danger of trading freedom for security - and must have Churchill spinning in his grave.

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Russian Secret Services Ordered to Execute Killers Of Russians In Iraq

President Vladimir V. Putin on Wednesday ordered Russia's secret services to find and kill those who kidnapped and killed four Russian Embassy employees in Iraq, the Kremlin announced in a statement.

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Star Wars 1979 drunken driving public service announcement

Following on the success of 1977's Star Wars, a PSA featuring (presumably) the cantina on Tattooine was released in an effort to curb drunk driving.

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Download 400+ Royalty Free Stock Photos for Free!

Download 400+ quality royalty free stock photos for free. Note that these images range from 400kb to around 1.5mb, and are 1200 x 900 to 1600 x 1200. Fantastic resource for websites, Flash animations, playing with Photoshop, etc.

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HL2 running on Macbook at 1280x800!

A user submitted a good video HL2 playing on his Macbook at max res. This is one of the better videos showing HL2 on the Macbook, but there are others! Who said you couldn't game on the new Macbooks?

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Scientists believe they will soon be able to detect 'gravity waves'

They come from the furthest depths of space and are born out of some of the most violent events imaginable - from the explosions of stars to the collisions of black holes. Yet they are one of the most elusive phenomena in the Universe, so elusive that there is every chance that they have passed straight through your body without your realising it.

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Bill O'Reilly vs. Rap

A rapper, a record producer and an elementary school principle are invited on The Factor. Hilarity ensues as O'Reilly and the principle try to blame children's bad behavior solely on rap.

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Top Ten Video Game Weapons

GT Countdown takes a look at the weapons that cause the most damage and are most fun to use.

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Rainbows End: Worse than Orwellian

A chilling novel details how everyday technologies could gradually lead to a far more invasive society than even Orwell dreamed of. I know I've whined about this before.. but since we have Music, Movies, Television and Gaming.. Can we please have Books.

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New York Times Unofficially Accused of "Treason"

George Bush and Dick Cheney are calling The New York Times a disgrace. Republican congressmen say it is guilty of treason and demand the prosecution of the Editor, while a right-wing radio presenter suggests most of its readers must be "ihadists".

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NASA engineer quits 5 days before launch

A 30-year NASA veteran and one of the agency's top shuttle engineers has reportedly angrily resigned only five days before Saturday's Discovery launch.

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How To Make Porn Movies (video)

How To Make Porn Movies

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2,794 Full-length Videos & Cartoons in 87 easy-to-browse Channels

This site has taken DiggUser's cartoon vids, added 1500 more music videos from the 80s, and a few 'ladies of YouTube' streams and put them into a streamlined channel browser with thumbnails for every video. (IFrames != Ajax, but good enough.)

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Mysterious Pear-Shaped Object Orbiting Saturn

Looking a little like a sideways Mr. Potato Head sans limbs, the Cassini space probe photographed this unknown object. Break out the tin-foil hats.

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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Family Guy - The Best of Quagmire - LMAO!

The best of Quagmire, perhaps the funniest character on Family Guy. Absolutely hilarious compilation of his best segments!

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Honey, I Shrank the Laptop

The tiny, tiny Flybook. Measures 9.25 x 6.1 x 1.2 inches total, the display is only 8.9 inches and the whole thing weighs less than three pounds.

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The US Navy's New Littoral Combat Ships

They will help to counter growing "asymmetric" threats like coastal mines, quiet diesel submarines, global piracy, and terrorists on small fast attack boats. They will also perform intelligence gathering using helicopters and UAVs, offer ground combat support, and share tactical info with other Navy aircraft, ships, submarines and joint units.

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How to get Songs off your iPod using iTunes

This article will show you how to get songs off of your your iPod, with any computer that has iTunes on it. This tutorial was written for total noobs so send it to your family members who are always bugging you about how to do things. Step 4 is all you need to look at if your computer savvy.

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Vista Volume License Keys to be Tagged and Neutered

"Corporate Edition" versions of Windows have been the blessing of both IT workers and casual pirates since the days of Windows 95. Microsoft relied on the honor system to ensure that companies did not abuse this privilege, but it looks as if with Vista this system may be ending.

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How to Make Real life stuff Anime style

This Photoshop Tutorial shows you the technique used to convert virtually any photograph, picture or image into an anime style graphic. Complete with step by step previews to show you exactly whats going on.

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The Digg Modification Project

The Digg Modification Project is an effort to improve the Digg user interface. Currently, it consists of CSS modifications to many parts of the user interface, including the removal of most of the ads.

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Nirvana: Unplugged in NY (Unedited)

Unedited version of Nirvana's Unplugged in NY (1 hr 8 min 34 sec - Nov 18, 1994)

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The Dirtiest Bit of South Park You'll Ever See

A clip of 'South Park' created for the movie 'The Aristocrats.' If only the show was like this on a regular basis.

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How To: Make your own Airzooka out of a Waste Paper Basket - (with Video)

Airzookas are strange old things that create a vortex of air that spirals across a room. They pack a surprising punch - check out the video.

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Reverse Colorblindness Test

Impressive. I had no idea that my sense of color is making me so blind to the subtler details.. Don't click on the link to the answers right away. First copy and paste the images into an image editor and convert them to black-and-white.

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Train stuck in time, entombed since 1925

Locomotive 231 may finally finish its long-delayed run, nearly 81 years after it was trapped under the rubble of a Church Hill tunnel cave-in.

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Cityscape: Using logic to build the best possible city

It's like a Flash version of Simcity...

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Vote on the top 10 strangest things is Space.

Like it says check out the strangest bodies in space.

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eMachines Releases Five Desktops For Cash-Strapped Students

Even though summer has only barely begun, Gateway's eMachines is already looking ahead to the upcoming school year, having just announced five new Vista-ready desktops for the student on a budget.

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Super Mario Bros in 2.5D

Ever wondered what the original NES version of Super Mario Bros would look like from a peculiar angle? No? Me neither. But somebody did, and this is thier creation. Well, It acually turned out pretty sweet.The sky/back wall/whatever has blocks and pipes in three dimensions in front of it, and copies of the original NES sprites appear as well.

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Who Stole the Estimated $3.3 Trillion Missing From U.S. Treasury?

Trillions of dollars are missing from the US government. What's going on? Where is the money? How could this happen? Where are the checks and balances? How much more has gone missing? What would happen if a corporation failed to pass an audit like this? Or a taxpayer? Who is responsible for this?

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Tropical Stonehenge May Have Been Found

A grouping of granite blocks along a grassy Amazon hilltop may be the vestiges of a centuries-old astronomical observatory -- a find archaeologists say indicates early rainforest inhabitants were more sophisticated than previously believed.

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AMD: Anti-Hyperthreading Explained and on it's way

An update to an older digg story:
"Advanced Micro Devices may offer gamers something, which significantly boosts performance of single-threaded games with its new central processing units (CPUs) in socket AM2 form-factor."

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Democrats vow to block pay raises until minimum wage increased

A week after the GOP-led Senate rejected an increase to the minimum wage, Senate Democrats on Tuesday vowed to block pay raises for members of Congress until the minimum wage is increased.

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Google the ISP with 2^96 IPv6 addresses

Google has 79 billion billion billion IPv6 addresses, is buying up massive amounts of dark fiber, and building a massive data center. Just what is Google up to?

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Unexplained $20B rise in Iraq war cost - $500B total in '07

Operations costs since 9/11 will top $500 billion next year, according to congressional estimates. The monthly burn rate in Iraq and Afghanistan is expected to average $9.7B in 2006, *an 18% jump from last year alone.* "These factors, however, are not enough to explain a 50% increase of over $20B in operating costs" - report.

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Can you pass the US citizenship test?

When immigrants want to become Americans, they must take a civics test as part of their naturalization interview before a Citizenship and Immigration Services officer. Should you be welcomed immediately to the Land of the Free or sent home for some more homework? Find out!

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Microsoft introduces 360 degree camera!

With Microsoft's software driving an online videoconference session, and the RoundTable camera placed atop a conference table, remote participants will see the face or faces of the active speakers as they assume the floor. Participants who may grow weary of the angle changes during heated arguments may prefer the optional panorama view.

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Students Design Sensor Network To Protect Romanian Forest

Four college students have developed an application to protect forests in Romania against tree poachers, flooding and fires. The application uses a network of sensors to monitor humidity, sound, temperature and carbon monoxide levels.

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Patriot Act Smackdown: Librarians 1, FBI 0

In an epic battle between the FBI and four Connecticut librarians, the FBI fumbles, then crumbles.

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Exploding Tree Cannon

Cool video in which the Mythbusters build a powerful cannon out of a tree trunk. They were trying to prove that such a cannon blew up, killing an entire village. Watch to see if it's true!

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College Students Feeling The Cost Of Loans

The rising cost of borrowing money is keenly felt by college students and recent graduates, who face unprecedented debt from government-backed student loans.

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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Next Gen Of Cars (I cant wait!!)

I would link striaght to the video, but there lots of info on that page about it, cool part starts at 1:15 in the video

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Ashlee Simpson To Pose For Playboy

Ashlee Simpson has a new nose and a new look and is now considering showing it all off in the pages of Playboy, according to media reports in the US.

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The Back to the Future Tour

As a big fan of the movie, I decided to live the cinematic adventure myself by locating each of the sites used in its making. With hours of research, a few dozen rolls of film, and countless miles added to my odometer, I was able to create the most comprehensive guide to Back to the Future filming locations on the Internet.

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Exclusive Video Interview: Jon Voight on Transformers!

"So while we know that Michael Bay is trying hard to keep the story under wraps we had to try to see if Jon Voight would reveal any new information on the movie. He seems pretty confident that fans will love the film and also mentioned that he has seen some early pre-vis of the robots transforming and it looks awesome."

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The Scientology South Park Episode Still Lives...

In case you are on of the FEW digg users who have not actually seen this episode, I was able to find a resource for the episode that is still alive and kickin'. Watch the video. Download it. Share it. Make this craziness known, and help to fight it in the name of free speech (including satire, which is STILL protected free speech!).

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Most Americans don't know Canada is their biggest oil supplier

The Canadian American Business Council (CABC) - which represents some of the biggest private sector companies in both countries - said its survey of 1,000 Americans found that only four per cent of respondents thought Canada was the country that provided them with more oil than anyone else.

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More strange tales from Ambien users

The drug has come under scrutiny since U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy, D-R.I., said he took it before crashing his car in Washington in May. Kennedy said he does not remember the incident. A N.Y. lawsuit also alleges hundreds of people have complained the drug causes sleepwalking and an eating disorder.

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How Do Space Pictures Get So Pretty? Photoshop, of course.

Here's how it works: Telescopes take black-and-white pictures using different filters to capture particular wavelengths of light. Then these pictures are sent back to Earth via the Deep Space Network, a set of large antennae set up around the world.the image files can be up to 70MB in size, with a resolution of 16.7 megapixels. read on for more...

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The SIMPSONS Theme Unplugged.. all on guitar!!!

One guy plays the entire Simpsons theme on an acoustic guitar without any other instruments.. absolutely incredible playing!

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James Stewart Was Forced to Bed Two Hookers

Movie great James Stewart was forced to prove he wasn't gay by bedding two hookers, according to an explosive new biography.

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Picture of partially transformed Bumblebee from Transformers

A spy picture from the set of Transformers the movie, this very high res picture shows off what we can expect from the movie next summer. Awesome...

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Picture of partially transformed Bumblebee from Transformers

A spy picture from the set of Transformers the movie, this very high res picture shows off what we can expect from the movie next summer. Awesome...

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Prostitutes work overtime during World Cup

Germany's brothels are having to extend their hours to meet the surge in demand that the World Cup as brought on. Many "daughters of joy" are making a weeks wage in one days shift. Meanwhile organizers fear illegal sex workers may flock to Germany to enjoy the increase in their bustling industry.

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Dell and AMD sign deal for a 1,000,000 Chips

Looks like Dell will start selling AMD based machines. This could get interesting.

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Will Canada be the first Cashless Society?

Article has 4 sub-articles about how Canada is moving towards being Cashless.

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Is Microsoft about to release a Windows 'kill' switch?

A Blog, posted by Ed Bott. Ed speculates that a specific unanswered question may reveal a September date to disable Windows if WGA has not been applied to computers running Windows.

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The First Version of Photoshop

An interesting look back at Photoshop 1.0. Photoshop's developers, Thomas and John Knoll began development on Photoshop in 1987. Version 1 was released by Adobe in 1990. The program was intended from the start as a tool for manipulating images that were digitized by a scanner, which was a rare and expensive device in those days.

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Supreme Court to look at "obviousness" in patents. About time!

The Supreme Court will finally weigh in on the matter of whether or not you can patent the combination of two obvious technologies into one "new" patentable invention.

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Microsoft, Yahoo, Others Pledge Child Porn Crackdown

As Congress considers forcing Internet providers to snoop on their customers, AOL, Microsoft and Yahoo say they have a better solution.

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Warner Bros. sells films via

Warner Bros. began selling its movies and TV shows over the Internet video site Monday, marking the second deal the studio has made to distribute content over Web sites that have offered pirated video in the past.

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Bush is Above The Law

"When the government breaks the law then there is no law."

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Dvorak: Understanding Digg and Its Utopian Idealism

Dvorak's PC magazine article on the new version of Digg and its flaws, posing many interesting points.For example, "What would happen to the Digg site if the Bush-supporting minions in the red states, flocked to Digg and actively promoted stories, slammed things they didn't like, and in the process drove away the libertarian users?"

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Harry Potter Book 7 - 2 Characters will be killed off!

For all you Harry Potter fans...and you know who you are, there will be 2 characters killed off according to JK Rowling.

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Are Scientologists Interfering With Digg?

A blogger at Free Xenu asks, "Are Scientologists Interfering With Digg?" He notes the specific stories with particularly vitriolic comments about Scientology and comments containing damning material about the church are broken. I can confirm that these digg stories are no longer working. Have Scientologists somehow hacked Digg?

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Music search sites that learn your taste

The boom in digital music has left a lot of iPods to fill and made millions of songs available online. But how to choose which ones? Music recommendation services are using tech wizardry to solve the problem.

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What women can't do in public

A guy and a girl play a game of copycat on the subway, but the guy's got a trick up his sleeve...
Really clever idea for a commercial.

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How hospital bug can evade attack

Scientists have decoded the genetic make-up of a bacterium responsible for many hospital-acquired infections - and shown why it is so difficult to tackle.

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The Top 99 Most Desirable Women of 2006

The Top 99 Most Desirable Women is an annual list compiled by the readers and staff of, ranking the females that have been collectively deemed the year's most alluring. 2.5 million reader votes were cast for the 2006 version of the list, which will be read by millions more worldwide. Wow Holy Hotness.

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Jon Stewart on crossfire

The infamous appearance of Jon Stewart on crossfire, where he destroyed Tucker Carlson.

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Harry Potter May Be Killed Off

J K Rowling hints that she may kill off Harry Potter in the next book.

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10 Commandments

Stephen Colbert interviews a congressman who sponsored a bill requiring the display of the Ten Commandments in Congress and the Senate. The best part is when he asks him to name the Ten Commandments!

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Amazing Video of George Bush Singing "Sunday Bloody Sunday"

Take clips from speeches, add audio and video editing, and you have an amazing music video. If the message of the sond wasn't entirely in opposition to Bush, this could almost make you like him.

(I know that "Amazing" is overused, but it's true!)

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Lego GUN (video)

Rapid Fire Lego Gun

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20 Amazing Facts About Voting in the USA

80% of all votes in America are counted by only two companies: Diebold and ES&S, and the vice-president of Diebold and the president of ES&S are brothers.

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Colbert on 60 Minutes

CBS 60 Minutes segment featuring our good friend Stephen Colbert

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The 10 Weirdest Things Ever Sold On eBay

Perhaps you've heard stories of people auctioning off strange items on eBay, like the homely kid who put his virginity up for bid or the bald guys who offer their own heads as advertising space. But those are nothing compared to some of the items that have made their way onto eBay's digital auction block.

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FCC approves new Internet phone taxes

An estimated 4 million subscribers to Internet phone services like Vonage could see new fees on their bills under a plan approved Wednesday by federal regulators.

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Apple confirms Mac OS X 'Leopard' the topic of Jobs' August keynote

As Apple confirmed this morning, Jobs will indeed preview the next version of the Mac OS X operating system, v. 10.5 "Leopard," during the company's Worldwide Developers' Conference on 7 August.

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Learn to shave the correct way -- avoiding razor burn etc.

This article is an interesting read providing tons of tips on proper shaving and the proper tools needed.

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Customizing your BSOD

Ever wanted to change the messages displayed by BSoD's to something more interesting (e.g. instead of "A problem was detected on your computer and windows has been shut down..." it says "Windows suddenly decided to hate you" ? Read on :)

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The use of colour in web designing

This article explains the use of colour, what colours signify, and how to find colours that fit with each other in your web pages.

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200 Mbps Powerline Solution enables HD video and audio streaming

The home network you wished you had might already be there - just missing a few parts. Netgear's new 200 Mbps Powerline HD Ethernet Adapter turns any AC electrical outlet into an HD-streaming, high-speed ethernet broadband connection, suitable for real-time high-quality video, gaming and VoIP or connecting a personal computer.

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A library of old mac ads, some even dating back to the early 90's

You can spend hours watching these old ads, it is almost funny seeing what we thought was amazing back then, and what we think is worthless now.

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Cable Guy Says Google, Yahoo Are Toast

Leo Hindery's Washington Insider Keynote at the Convergence 2.0 conference asserted that portals (Google, Yahoo etc.) are stealing money from providers (cable cos, telcos), and they will eventually be toast.

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Blu-ray & HD-DVD Hybrid

Samsung and Toshiba have joined forces to end the format wars for good. They are releasing a hybrid player that plays both Blu-ray and HD-DVD formats. But that
�s not all! Sony and NEC are also releasing a dual-format player of Blu-ray and HD-DVD. This is back-up for Sony, since they did loose miserably with Beta.

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Monday, June 26, 2006

In 1956, 400 Princeton seniors served in the military. In 2006, 9 did.

"During World War II, President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill had sons serving in uniform. Today's political leaders and the rest of the country's elite don't feel the same obligation to send their children to serve in harm's way."

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Sen. Russ Feingold Rips into Bush Administration on meet the press

"The worst thing we could possible do is what Vice President Cheney and President Bush did which was take us into an unnecessary war � that had nothing to do with 9/11 � on false pretenses. They have done the worst thing that has ever been done in this regard. " (continue to see the video)

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Classic NES games recreated in Battlefield 2

Super Mario Brothers, Duck Hunt, Track and Field.....they're all represented here in this video made by some BF2 enthusiasts with way too much time on their hands.

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Huge Asteroid to Fly Past Earth on July 3

An asteroid possibly as large as a half-mile or more in diameter is rapidly approaching the Earth. It's not gonna crash into us, but the space rock will make an exceptionally close approach to our planet early on Monday, July 3, passing just beyond the Moon's average distance from Earth

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An Introduction to Information Theory

Information theory is a relatively new field of mathematics that tries to characterize what information is in a quantifiable way. It's an area of math that was almost totally obscure until not too long ago, and one which is frequently misunderstood, even by people who mean well.

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Scientists plan to attach high-tech equipment to fish

Halifax scientists announce plans to attach high-tech equipment to fish, noting that they're one step closer to sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads

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Supreme Court to take up Global Warming

A dozen states argue that the EPA is obligated to limit CO2 emissions under the Clean Air act. The administration argues that CO2 is not a pollutant (what?!).

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Bush approval rating by state

This shows bush's approval rating by state (per month) since the 2004 election. Could we be a blue country by 2008?

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Netgear Ships 200-Mbit/s Powerline Router

Netgear on Monday began shipping a new powerline router designed to distribute information around the home at speeds up to 200-Mbits per second over ordinary power lines.

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Rush Limbaugh held on drug charges again

Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh has been detained at Palm Beach International Airport for the possible possession of illegal prescription drugs Monday evening. Limbaugh was returning on a flight from the Dominican Republic when officials found the drugs, among them Viagra.

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8 cheap places you'd might want to live

Look for a strong economy, a college and low crime in your search for an area where you can afford to live.

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Confirmed: SMART cars coming to USA

DaimlerChrysler is going to announce tomorrow that the SMART car will come to the United States in early 2007. That's the word from three major newspapers citing insider sources! This comes after months of speculation.

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Old computers from 1980-1983

From Radio Shack's "CoCo" to the Commodore 64, this photo gallery has some cool pictures of old computers.

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Empower your Apple IR remote

Teach your Apple IR remote new tricks, and let it be used to control any application, as well as be used as a virtual mouse.

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easy fake cover of magazine generator

I've found websurfing around something that I've never seen before. I think that u should see it and check how it works. It works this way, you can choose which magazine, then u can upload the pic that u want on the cover and u can write also the title that u want on the cover then click generate and u'll be on rolling stones's cover!

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Tablature is great for learning to play songs without having to learn sheet music. With pressure from the MPA and sheet music organisations Mxtabs, one of the greatest tab resources was forced to close despite over $3000 per month in sales of licensed sheet music via their links.

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HACKING IRAQ - soldiers take the internet into their own hands

The military provides just 6-12 computers for every 1,000 or so troops, time limits of 10-15 minutes per day are often enforced. Now, Hajjinets, the term for troop-owned ISPs, have sprung to life on almost every base around Iraq. A typical Hajjinet is built and maintained by one or two soldiers and can provide nearly 24-hr internet access.

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Every freaking way to charge an iPod

Here is a round up of just about all the ways of charging an iPod and/or making a DIY battery pack.

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Optimize Your Bittorrent Download Speed

Bittorrent can be fun, as long as you get decent speeds. Not satisfied with your current speeds? These suggestions might help to optimize your download pleasure

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No Neutral Ground in This Internet Battle

"Net neutrality. The mere mention of the issue is enough to make a wonk explode. At its heart, the net neutrality battle is commercial -- over who pays how much for improvements to the Internet that we all use and sometimes love. But that's not what the opposing sides would have you believe."

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Are you a bad customer? Being kept on hold is a sign

Many companies today are deciding some of their customers simply aren't worth the trouble. That's why many corporations, aided by massive computer databases of customers' shopping habits, try to separate their profitable from their unprofitable customers. here are some examples of how they treat "bad" customers differently.

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Don't Bother Me - When DDR goes crazy

Down at your local arcade there's always some kid who spends more money playing DDR then you do on rent each month. Prepare to meet that guys idol.

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Prior Art on Apple's MagSafe (patent pending) technology

This is interesting; it just seemed too good an idea not to have been thought of before. Everyone should adopt this technology for devices that are dangerous or fragile. Whoever gets(or has) the patent should be forced to license it cheap.

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Artificial Solar System Could Search for Extra Dimensions

"The concept of extra dimensions has tantalized physicists for years. Although the math looks good, scientists want physical evidence they can measure. And how do you test for 4 dimensions of space when you�ve only got a 3-dimensional ruler? One idea is to use gravity, a force that might actually reach across an extra dimension."

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The Jetsons VACUUM ELEVATOR Is Here.

Gone are the days of science fiction like in the Jetsons cartoon when people traveled in transparent elevator bubbles. Today this is no longer a product of our imagination. There is a bubble that can carry you without cables, pulleys or pistons. By simple principles of physics; it literally transports you by air.

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Greek Bike Accident

It's incredible how this guy survived! BTW: Any Greek could translate the dialog?

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The Oil Sands of Alberta

CBS 60 Minutes special on the oil sands of Canada. There are about 2 trillion barrels of oil literally in the sand in the middle of nowhere in Alberta. This is about 8 times the oil estimated to be in Saudi Arabia.

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A Brain Can Repair Itself

Triggering stem-cell growth could help brain recover after a stroke.

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Sunday, June 25, 2006

We will be able to live to 1,000

Life expectancy is increasing in the developed world. But Cambridge University geneticist Aubrey de Grey believes it will soon extend dramatically to 1,000. Here, he explains why.

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40 Things you don't know about Superman

1. He started as a bald villain...

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The Art of Lockpicking

Video on how to pick a lock using shims, by Lee Lawson.

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Warantless Surveillance Program to Become Legal

The White House is nearing an agreement with Congress on legislation that would write President Bush's warrantless surveillance program into law.

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Sonic the Hedgehog's Green Hill Zone made out of paper!

With a downloadable .pdf to make it yourself. SonicTeam and Sega in Japan have found the coolest way to celebrate Sonic's 15th birthday, a paper model which re-creates the first level from Sonic The Hedgehog.

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Windows Vista 5456 Released - New Mouse Cursors Too!

Microsoft has just released a new build following the lackluster Beta 2. Build 5456 has a new Aero, better UAP that isn't (as) annoying, and best of all for the first time since Windows 3.0: new Cursors!

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KC-135 Caught Refueling C-5 Galaxy in Mid-Air in Google Earth

Someone just discovered this satellite photo of a KC-135 refueling a C-5 in flight. Learn about the photo, why there are blue ghost images, and see links to other planes in flight in Google Earth.

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Good-bye Magic Mountain? Six Flags puts six parks up for sale or closure

Six Flags announced plans Thursday to sell or close six of its properties, including the chain's once-flagship park, Magic Mountain, in Valencia, Calif. :(
**Side note: i will cry the day it happens.

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Want to know why Papa John's Pizza won gold...

Check it out, one of the smartest advertising I've ever seen.

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Opera 9 vs. Firefox 1.5 - The Complete Battle

An in depth look on how Firefox 1.5 holds up to new Opera 9.

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Citypixel - Our World in Pixels

citypixel is truly and literally an extension of the world we live in - just pixelated. There is advertising and hotels, public works and transportation, and art and interaction. You can use the payphones, for free, to look up a business or another pixelcitizen. You can shop and...well do whatever it is you do!

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Serious Study: Immaturity Levels Rising

The adage "like a kid at heart" may be truer than we think, since new research is showing that grown-ups are more immature than ever.

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Gravity Waves: Rare Weather Event Over Iowa (Pics)

A weather phenomenon filled the skies of Eastern Iowa Tuesday, and meteorologists say it's something we might not see again.
Some say it looked like a scene from the movie â??Independence Day.â??

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Google Maps: British Military Base in Indian Ocean?

One of the more unlikely places you'd guess seeing a military base...

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NASA Finds Intense Lightning Activity Around A Hurricane's Eye

In 2005, Hurricane Emily, a very strong hurricane had some of the most lightning activity ever seen in a hurricane. Scientists are now trying to determine if the frequency of lightning is connected to the hurricane's strength.

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Competition Winner: 3145 Miles Per Gallon

Just think, this car could drive from New York to L.A. on a gallon of gas. Plus, it looks damn cool.

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Just how fast is warp speed anyway?

The answer to the burning space travel question of our day.

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Full Dodo bird skeleton found

This is a big find for scientists who wish to study the flightless bird that went extinct sometime in the 17th century. The last full set of bones was destroyed in a museum fire in Oxford, England, in 1755.

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Google's Secret IPv6 Plans

According to Lightman, Google has a huge block of "slash 20" addresses â?? exactly what is needed to be a large scale service provider.

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MacBook Pro Light Sensor Secrets Revealed

Mac programmer Amit Singh, who in February figured out how to access and manipulate the motion sensor in Apple's laptops, has published an explanation of the ambient light sensor also found in the company's latest portables.

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Star Trek New Voyages episodes free for download

Using a completely fan-built recreation of the original seriesâ?? bridge and other sets, a small group of amateur actors and actresses, assisted by various professionals who worked in special effects, writing, costumes and set design on various Star Trek incarnations, are picking up where Kirk, Spock, Scotty and the crew left off.

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How To: Hide MP3s Inside GIF Images

This page describes how to use GIF's "application extension block" to create a file that displays an image if you load it in a browser, but plays music if you load it in Winamp. Includes a demo and a server-side script that will create combo files from your uploaded GIFs and MP3s.

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Seasons of the Sun : The Solar Cycle

We are currently in the middle of the 11 year solar cycle, with the Earth experiencing the effects through changes to radio communications, power distribution, orbiting spacecraft and even the weather. So predicting what the Sun will do next is in all our interests.

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GM eyes 'plug-in' hybrid.

GM is finally admitting its mistakes when it comes to hybrid vehicles, and is considering a plug in Hybrid. They also admit that the specialized docking mechanism for the EV1 misjudged the need to plug in anywhere.

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Do Internet video sites encourage dangerous behavior?

In some of the most popular videos people do dangerous stunts or attack an unsuspecting mark. One site holds contests giving prizes for the most popular videos. Critics are concerned that it's become 'Jackass' for the masses. But are the sites to blame, or is this something innate in humans (I.E. boxing, the Roman Coliseum, bull fighting)

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Fish Can Multitask Thanks to Lopsided Brains

A symmetrical face is often thought a sign of beauty, but symmetry may be a disadvantage when it comes to the brain. "Left-brained" or "right-brained" fish are more adept at handling multiple activities than fish with no hemispheric preference, according to a new study.

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World's 2nd Richest Man Give Away Fortune: To Bill Gate's Foundation

Warren Buffett: The world's second richest man - who's now worth $44 billion - will start giving away 85% of his wealth in July - most of it to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

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Friday, June 23, 2006

Mac OS 10.5 Leopard- Possible change in Naming scheme

Apple might be considering dropping their current naming scheme of their operating systems after "big-cats", to make it more "marketable".

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Coffee Break Brain: Study Finds Taking Breaks Helps Form Memories

"Crunch time" in our lives may mean no "break time." While some people feel like they don't have time between meetings, appointments, and chores throughout the day, researchers at the MIT say regular breaks are key to forming memories.

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Top 10 Strangest Gadgets of the Past

The wrist-watch radio, stapleless Japanese stapler, flying saucer camera and 7 others make up this list of the top 10 strangest gadgets of the past.

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Encyclopedia of All Human Gene Mutations Planned

A plan for a global database of all human gene mutations has been announced in Australia. The Human Variome Project could allow doctors to rapidly diagnose patients with rare genetic conditions and could ultimately lead to new treatments for diseases.

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Google's Continuing Dark Fiber Mystery

Analysts say Google may be spending more than $1 billion on infrastructure projects, including purchases of a "dark fiber" backbone. The reason for the purchases is a riddle to the industry, but one Internet consultant recently offered a new answer to the puzzle.

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Americans Lose Touch, Have Less Friends

People have fewer close friends nowadays than two decades ago.

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U.S. Not Prepared For Internet Outage

The CEOs of America's biggest companies assert that the US is not ready to handle a large-scale assault on the Internet, but they have some ideas for getting the country ready.

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US Navy rail gun puts North Korea at risk.

A rail gun in the works at the US Navy has an effective range that covers all of North Korea. Don't you just love gunboat diplomacy?

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Scientists plan to recreate 'Big Bang'

International scientists will recreate the immediate aftermath of the "Big Bang" in a bid to uncover the mysteries of the universe, a world physics summit announced Thursday.

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Amazing Pictures of Petra!

Remember in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, the "temple" built into the rock face? That was Petra, and the whole city was carved from rock. Plenty of pictures to explore.

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Scholars decode ancient text, shake up pre-calculus history

On a lark they examined a theretofore unread section of The Method of Mechanical Theorems, which is the book's biggest claim to fame; no other copy of the work is known to exist. What they discovered made their jaws drop.

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How to Create Amazing, Professional Game Art Using Photoshop

"Gamedev site Gamasutra has a neat little excerpt from the book "3D Game Textures: Create Professional Game Art Using Photoshop", including images and detailed instructions"

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Can a psychiatrist really tell what's wrong with you?

The question has dogged mental-health clinicians for more than 30 years, ever since a famous experiment showed that healthy people will be labeled sick if they go to a psychiatric emergency room and act sick. Recently, a new study tried to repeat the experiment and failed, proving that shrinks aren't as clueless today as they were then.

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U.S. gov't will adopt IPv6 in 2008

"In the newest additions to the IPv6 Transition Guidance, the council�s Architecture and Infrastructure Committee has provided a list of best practices and transition elements that agencies should use as they work to meet the deadline."

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How Plants Avoid Feeling the Burn from Sun

"Too much sun, for plants as well as people, can be harmful to long-term health. But to avoid the botanical equivalent of "lobster tans," plants have developed an intricate internal defense mechanism, called photoprotection, which acts like sunscreen to ward off the sun's harmful rays."

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Science discovers perfect penalty

Factors involved in their calculations include the number of steps in run-up, time taken to kick the ball, velocity of shot and position of striking foot.

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Stephen Hawking: "Earth Could Become Like Venus"

Stephen Hawking expressed concern about global warming Wednesday even as he charmed and provoked a group of Chinese students.

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10 Reasons Why High Definition DVD Formats Have Already Failed

1. Nobody likes false starts..

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Old Blood May Kill You

Death rates after heart surgery are five times higher for patients who are given blood that has been stored for more than 31 days than for those given blood stored for 19 days or less

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Knit Theory

Hyperbolic space is an unimaginable concept, unless you're a Latvian mathematician who's handy with needle and yarn. "People walked by, and they asked me, 'What are you doing?' And I answered, 'Oh, I'm crocheting the hyperbolic plane.' "

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The Next Cheap Thing

NComputing is reviving a '90s concept with a device that could give PC access to the masses

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Librarian disciplined for upholding Constitution

Hasbrouck Heights (NJ) Library Director Michele Reutty is under fire for following the 4th amendment and not giving private info to the police without a subpoena. She faces a 30 day suspension without pay.

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Charles Darwin's tortoise dies

THE world's oldest animal in captivity has died on the Sunshine Coast at the ripe old age of 176.
Giant Galapagos tortoise Harriet has died of a suspected heart attack.

She was a star attraction at Steve Irwin's Australia Zoo since the 1980s and even features in the Guinness Book of Records for her longevity.

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55 Ways to Have Fun with Google - FREE PDF BOOK DOWNLOAD

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New Leopard screenshots hint at desktop switching, Windows compatibility

Two screenshots of what apparantly is a beta of Mac OS X 10.5 have been leaked, revealing what appears to be a desktop switcher and even Internet Explorer running natively in OS X.

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The Government Sells Machinima As Terrorist Propaganda

This is a video news item from ABC News that shows how highly paid people in our goverment are trying to sell a piece of machinima as terrorist propaganda just because of certain websites it was found on.
It uses Team America soundbytes. Are they effin retarded? Don't answer that. If you're old enough to pay taxes like me, are you pissed like me?

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Comcast Tech Falls Asleep On Guy�s Couch

Why should AOL be the only ISP to rag on? You know you hate Comcast too.

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Man Makes $100-$300 a Day Sitting In Cars

Creative idea.

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Magnetic field research could make computers 500 times more powerful

Magnetic fields created using nanotechnology could make computers up to 500 times more powerful, if new research is successful.

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Thursday, June 22, 2006

How I Got A Refund From iTunes

this is the story of how i got a refund for videos i bought on the iTunes Music Store. it blew my mind that the Chappelle's Show videos i bought had ads, and Apple listened.

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The Future of Fusion

After years as a purely experimental science, a decade-long international effort will make nuclear fusion a reality.

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Student Tried to Warn Ohio University About Vulnerability in 2002

Four years ago, Jeremy Valeda cracked the Ohio University computer servers and plucked a few Social Security numbers to prove that the system was vulnerable. Instead of fixing the security problems, university officials focused on punishing him. 367,000 identities later...

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Is Bill Gates learning from modded Xbox systems?

It looks like Bill Gates may be paying close attention to the modding scene. Here's a story about him being impressed by a modded Xbox and everything it could do.

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White House Ordered Pirate Bay Closure

According to this article by Radio Sweden and SR International in Stockholm, the order to shut down Pirate Bay came from the top.

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Jon Stewart Takes On Congress' Gamer Haters

Jon Stewart took on congress, again, last night and their idiotic attack on video games.

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Futurama Renewed for 13 New Episodes

Comedy Central has ordered 13 new episodes of the animated series that Fox canceled two years ago. Billy West, Katey Segal and other stars signed deals this week to return the show to TV. In getting a second life, "Futurama" is following the path taken by "Family Guy," which also found post-cancellation success on DVD and cable reruns.

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Visual Representation Of How The Alphabet Evolved

Watch the evolution of the alphabet step by step. Interesting to see that evolution rules such as survival of the fit applies here as well. Complicated characters didn't make it while simple ones remained and divided into new characters.

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Mummified Brachylophosaurus holds secrets millions of years old

"This specimen could be as important to the field of paleontology as the day Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon," said Nate Murphy, curator of paleontology at the Judith River Dinosaur Institute.

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World's oldest spider web found in amber

The world's oldest spider web � complete with captured prey - has been discovered, preserved in 110-million-year-old amber.
The sap may have dripped onto the web, or the web may have blown onto its surface. Then more sap covered it, forming a small amber "stalactite" 18 millimetres long and 7.5 millimetres wide.

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Boeing evaluating outlook for in-flight Internet

"Boeing Co. on Thursday said it is evaluating the prospects for Connexion, its in-flight Internet venture, but declined to comment on a press report that the company may sell or close the unit."

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What Scientology Doesn't Want You To See

In light of what happened to, here are top-secret religious materials from the Church of Scientology that they don't want the public to see. Posting material like this online has, in the past, caused legal threats and even forced Slashdot to infamously remove a comment. Enjoy, and educate yourself about this organization!

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Mirror of site that was illegally taken down

This site was illegally shut down by the Church of Scientology.
I have provided a mirror so that people can read the truth. Feel free to browse the rest of the site and learn more.

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Disney, 1939: No woman animators allowed

"Women do not do any of the creative work in connection with preparing the cartoons for the screen, as that work is performed entirely by young men. For this reason girls are not considered for the training school."

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Results of a MASSIVE Google Ban - 7 BILLION Pages

Spammers depend on Google BIG time as can be seen with the massive Google ban that just occurred, of over seven BILLION pages.

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Robot Dogs Develop their own Language

�What has been achieved at Sony shows that the technology gives the robot the ability to develop its own language with which to describe its environment and interact with other AIBOs. It sees a ball and it can tell another one where the ball is, if it�s moving and what colour it is, and the other is capable of recognising it�

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Google Releases New Ad Network -- The End of ADSENSE?

Plagued with complaints of Adsense click fraud, Google announced a beta test of their new ad network to select publishers today. Instead of Pay-Per-Click, the Google Content Referral Network will compete with existing affiliate marketing networks by paying per lead or per sale. What does it mean for webmasters.... More money or less?

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How to make illustrations even if you can�t draw

I am an engineer. I can't draw. But I really hate clip art. So much that I at some point decided to start making my own illustrations for my documents, presentations and my blog.

Surprisingly, people seem to like them and now I have published a little "How-to" for other engineers or non creative people that want to try.

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Reverse Peephole Viewer

Designed for police to look inside your house (illegally?) without letting you know they�re spying, the reverse peephole viewer un-distorts the convex lens that�s designed for homeowners to view out, not in.

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MIT Sheds Light on How Tumor Cells Form

"MIT cancer researchers have discovered a process that may explain how some tumor cells form, a discovery that could one day lead to new therapies that prevent defective cells from growing and spreading."

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The 11 Mile Webpage.

Scaling an atom to 11 Miles. Crazy stuff

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Apple Says Mooing Normal

A TUAW poster says that his Macbook is having problems, mooing, and he documents what happens when he goes to an Apple store.

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Device Burns Fuel with Almost Zero Emissions

Simple design makes ultra-low emission combustion more efficient, affordable and stable.

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If you love Digg you might be a Neophiliac, a newly diagnosed disorder

Anyone who has to have the latest and greatest in technology and information is at risk for this disorder. An interesting read. I don't feel so bad about being a neophiliac personally.

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Scientists Find Previously Unknown Receptors On Adult Stem Cells

Scientists at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation have discovered that marrow stem cells possess receptors that recognize bacteria and viruses. When activated, these receptors kick the stem cells and immature blood cells into action, enlisting them to help fight whatever pathogen is attacking the body.

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Fake Band Hyped on Myspace.

Spoof indie band "with no talent whatsoever" invented by Q magazine in order to prove that the Rupert Murdoch-owned site is now just another cog in the older industry phenomenon of hype lands huge gigs!

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New Hydraulic Hybrid Trucks Roll Off Yielding 60-70% Savings in Fuel

"Recognize that familiar UPS truck with the trademark brown paint job? Look twice. The government released a new model today, replete with a new hybrid hydraulic system. The new system replaces a truck's transmission with hydraulics and that, combined with a low-emission diesel engine, yields a 60 percent to 70 percent saving on fuel use."

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US threatens trade sanctions against Sweden because of thepiratebay

English subbed news cast about the MPAA and US government threatening the swedish government with trade sanctions if is not shut down.

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Watch 120 live online TV channels for free

Here is a web site where you can watch over 120 free live online TV channels in your browser: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari. These tv channels are about: news, weather, education, music, funny, entertainment, games, reality, lifestyle, sport, cartoon, movies, travel, fashion, adult +18.

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How to Find True North Without a Compass

Which way is north? Whether you're lost in the woods or you're trying to install a sundial in your yard, you're bound to want to find true north from time to time, and chances are when the time comes you won't have a compass.

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You can build a digital clock with its digits levitating in the air.

Nice POV project for you to make.

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How to Find True North Without a Compass

Which way is north? Whether you're lost in the woods or you're trying to install a sundial in your yard, you're bound to want to find true north from time to time, and chances are when the time comes you won't have a compass.

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U.S. Launches Massive War Games in the Pacific

Just in time for North Korea's missile test, the US has begun its biggest war game demonstration in decades. The Pacific Ocean is probably not a good place for a leisurely sail right now.

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Dvorak: the Golden Age of the Internet, enjoy it while you can

"How many people realize that we're living in a golden age, the Golden Age of the Internet? It won't last; golden ages never do. Some of it will remain, but there's evidence that much of it is headed for the trash heap of history." Great article to pass on to non-techie friends about why stuff like net neutrality matter.

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Hawking rewrites history... backwards

Hawking and Hertog call their theory 'top-down' cosmology, because instead of looking for some fundamental set of initial physical laws under which our Universe unfolded, it starts 'at the top', with what we see today, and works backwards to see what the initial set of possibilities might have been. In effect the present 'selects' the past.

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Best Buy tests selling Macs at stores

"Best Buy has added Apple computers in seven stores and it's considering expanding Mac sales across the chain, Best Buy Senior Vice President for Merchandising David Morrish said at the company's annual meeting on Wednesday."

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US Govt. to EFF: We're above the law!

New court filings from the government argue that secrecy is more important than legality. "In short, the Government asserts that AT&T and the Executive can break the laws crafted by Congress, and there is nothing the Judiciary can do about it."

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Honda Engineers in Secret Engine Lab Trying to Out-Green Toyota

"One fact is fairly straightforward: Honda is working on a new diesel engine for the U.S. market in 2009 that will meet stringent U.S. and California emissions standards while using 30 percent less gasoline, according to this article from Bloomberg. "

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Overwhelming majority of Americans want homes that generate own power

Eight out of ten Americans believe that homebuilders should offer solar power as an option for all new home construction, according to a new survey from the world's largest solar-cell producer, Japan's Sharp Electronics Corp.

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A game engine rendering entire planets in real-time

A video of a game engine capable of rendering entire planets in real-time! Kind of makes you scratch your head eh..The game will be a MMO btw, and like Project Offset, is being made by just a few guys.

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First Molecular Proof That Some Aspects of Aging Are Out of Our Control

A study provides the first direct evidence that the molecular machinery of our cells providing function to our tissues and organs spins irreversibly out of control as we age.

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Broadcast flag goes up for vote TOMORROW!

Tucked into a 151-page bill is a provision that will destroy the fair use you enjoy. Call your Senator today! Tell your elected officials that this won't stand!

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