Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Pharmaceutical company sells AIDS-infected medication

Bayer knew that the batch had been infected with AIDS so they pulled it from the US market and sold it overseas.

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Battle Maps : Where America Fought its Wars

Some interesting maps of various American wars.

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Monday, May 29, 2006

Over 100 drugs, recrystallized and photographed

The Molecular Expressions Pharmaceuticals Collection contains over 100 drugs that have been recrystallized and photographed under the microscope. Many of these are presented here and we hope that you enjoy your visit.

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Microsoft's Vista System Rating Tool Comes Under Fire

Is your PC Vista ready? The answer you get next week could be different than the one you have today, but the real question is: why?

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A new superbug is stalking the world

If you are unfortunate enough to catch it, you will suffer from intractable diarrhoea with gut-searing pain and fever. The full extent of the illness is unclear because American hospitals are not required to report it.

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How to Make Great Photographs

"Photography is the power of observation, not the application of technology." Ken Rockwell.

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Bush 'planted fake news stories on American TV'

Federal authorities are actively investigating dozens of American television stations for broadcasting items produced by the Bush administration and major corporations, and passing them off as normal news.

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Sunday, May 28, 2006

Google Checkout: PayPal Killer?

Google Checkout is in the making. Garret thinks it is a free shopping cart that lets website owners accept payment and track sales through Google Analytics.

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Hidden X-Men 3 Coda Video (Warning: Spoiler)

To complement the recent IGN article, here is the aforementioned hidden clip at the end of the credits following X-Men 3. Warning, it is a spoiler and forgive the quality...good stuff.

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Using your WebCam like the Wii-mote

This flash demo can almost perfectly recognize location and tilt in relation to the window, much like the Wii. Make sure you have your webcam ready and close enough to your screen to see the whole black area with the 3 dots. (Translated link in comments)

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Common Childhood Vaccine linked to Autism and Bowel Disease

New American research shows that there could be a link between the controversial MMR triple vaccine and autism and bowel disease in children.

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Scientists find a way to extract oxygen from lunar soil

"To extract oxygen from lunar soil, scientists used a lens-like structure to focus sunlight on to it, heating it to 2,500C. In Nasa's latest tests, a 12ft-wide dish was used to concentrate the sun's rays on to 100g of a substance similar to Moon soil. After a few hours, one fifth of the substance had turned into oxygen."

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One-Third of U.S. Adults Diabetic or Pre-Diabetic

73 million Americans have diabetes or are on their way to getting it. Scary!

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Windows Vista Beta 2 Features Reviewed

The much-ballyhooed search feature is turned on for the first time, and it's just about everything that Microsoft promised. The universally disliked UAC has received significant work, and is finally usable. And overall, there's a better organization and "fit and finish" to this beta than previous Vista versions.

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Will Next Round Of iPods Offer Users More Than Solitaire And Parachute?

Supposedly the iPods are going to get some real official gaming action. An Apple hiring manager is hiring a fleet of C/C++ coders with a "gaming background." The project in works is super secret and they wouldn't disclose any information to potential employees until they were hired and signed their soul over to a non-disclosure agreement.

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iProd and iPoke, my iPod is broke

They are the hottest electrical gadgets in the market. But when an iPod goes wrong, Apple can go stone cold. Are they really meant to have just a one-year lifespan? An interesting article in today's Guardian details on what you could try to do when that now legendary 13th month chip kicks into action.

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Saturday, May 27, 2006

Analysis: First Amendment Applies to Internet

Friday's ruling is also significant because it addresses whether private e-mail is protected from subpoenas. "The court correctly found that under federal law, civil litigants can't subpoena your stored e-mail from your service," said Kevin Bankston, a lawyer for the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

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9800 Free Fonts

9800 fonts free to download with a nice preview feature.

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Friday, May 26, 2006

'Chinese Made' Condoms' Strange Label; "Promotes Aids, Pregnancy, STDs"

This is why you need a proofreader (with Native English Skills)

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The most amazing storm pictures you will ever see

Absolutely amazing pictures from a storm chaser in Nebraska.

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Flash Timeline of Trends and Events (Years 1750 to 2100)

Environmental, social, technological, economic and political trends of the last couple centuries as well as projections for the next century are plotted on a flash timeline.

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DIY Pinhole Camera

A pinhole is a camera that uses a very small hole, as if made by a pin instead of a lens, for light to enter and form an image on the film
or other light-sensitive medium. (Scroll down to third item.)

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Free Photos for Your Web Site or Blog

Sick to death of the rotten stick figures that come with PowerPoint? Want to punch up your presentations, your blog, your Web site? Getting ready to shell out money for custom or stock photography? Don't.

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Weird jobs: you do what?

Gumologist? Fountain pen repairman? Here's a typical day in some very atypical jobs.

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Why NSA spying puts the U.S. in danger

A former NSA analyst's take on the NSA's warrantless spying: "The case involves fundamental issues related to NSA's missions and long-standing rules of engagement. What's even more dismaying is the lack of public reaction to this."

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How Cells Fight Off Cancer

A systems biology map of cells' responses to DNA damage could provide valuable clues to discovering new cancer drugs.

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Interactive display system knows users by touch

An interactive computer display that keeps track of multiple users by differentiating between their touch could lead to safer vehicle controls and smarter video games, its makers claim.

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Thursday, May 25, 2006

SCI FI unveils broadband video channel

The cable network's programming hit the Web this month on its new broadband video channel, SCI FI Pulse. The new site will feature complete episodes of select SCI FI original series, full-length uncut SCI FI original movies, behind-the-scenes footage, deleted scenes, and interactive viewer programming.

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The RIAA's Latest PR Strategy: Gibberish

from the jedi-mind-trick dept

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Treasury to refund $13 BILLION to consumers

The Treasury Department said Thursday that it will stop collecting the 3% federal excise tax on long-distance calls and refund about $13 billion to consumers. "It's not often you get to kill a tax," said Treasury Secretary John Snow. Individuals will be allowed to claim three years' worth of refunds on their 2006 tax returns, filed in 2007.

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Top 10 Gadgets for the Filthy Rich

A rundown of 10 extraordinarily expensive and over the top gadgets, from $4,000 iPod speakers to a $24,000 gaming PC. Get out those credit cards!

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World War I: In Living Color

Amazing color photo\'s from WWI era. Kinda creepy getting a real feeling for the time period when it\'s not black and white. The French army was the primary source of color photos during the course of World War One.

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Genetic Tug of War Determines Your Sex

Whether or not a fertilized mammalian egg ultimately develops into a male or female is determined by the winner of a tug of war between two different genes encoding signaling proteins and the divergent pathways they control, according to a new study.

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Dvorak: iPod+Nike = \'Nutty\'

John C. Dvorak gives his opinions on Apple\'s new partnership with Nike, using phrases such as \"The irony here is that Jobs has become that sugar water salesman but hasn\'t noticed it yet\"

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Is Windows On a Mac Really Drawing in New Users

Yes. Check it out.

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Does HD Matter Yet?

Only 25 percent to 50 percent of homes with HD-compatible sets [are] subscribing to a high def package, programming remains limited, and half of all HDTV owners do not use the HD capabilities of their tvs, and nearly a quarter thought they were watching HD video when they actually hadn\'t set it up correctly.

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Kari Byron of Mythbusters TV Show does Photoshoot

These pictures from FHM show that Kari is a hottie whether she\'s blowing up stuff on the show or not. Enjoy!

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Study shows RNA more important than thought.

The evidence is compelling that RNA can pass along genetic traits even when the gene responsible for those traits is not inherited.

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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Teenager repellent \"Mosquito\" turned into ringtone

Techno-savvy UK pupils have recorded the ultra-high sound - audible only to under-20-year-olds - from the ultrasonic device Mosquito onto their cell phones - and are now receiving calls and text messages in class without teachers having the faintest idea of what is going on.

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Island-hopping virus\' ferocity exposed

Scientists have found clues as to why a little-known virus is disabling hundreds of thousands of Indian Ocean island dwellers, in an outbreak that threatens to spread further around the world.

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The Truth Behind The iPod nano Class Action Suit

\"The truth is that I never sought out nor did I ever hire David P. Meyer & Associates or Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro to represent me in any case, much less the iPod Nano Class Action suit\"

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iTunes No Longer Allows You To Download High Quality Album Art

Seems like Apple has figured out a way to block us from downloading their album art using various methods. When you try to access the jpg file off of their servers, you now get a 403: You are not authorized to view this page message.

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FCC Will NOT Investigate AT&T/NSA Allegations

\"If the FCC initiates an investigation and gets blocked by the White House, then the White House is stonewalling. But if the FCC refuses to even demand answers, then the White House never has to block the enforcement agency from getting to the bottom of this. The American people deserve answers.\"

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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Five Inventions We Still Need

Despite our own Patent Office giving out patents for things everyone else would laugh at as an invention, the real invention is a rare and precious jewel. Here are five inventions we still need, and which no one seems to be able to even find an approach to inventing.

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People in vegetative state revived by pill

A sleeping pill can temporarily revive people in a permanent vegetative state to the point where they can have conversations, a study finds.

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The psychology of masturbation

It is natural and desirable to have sexual release-sex is our strongest motivator for the survival of the species...

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Cultish Behavior in Groups found in MMOĆ¢??s

Typically, when we think of cults, we think of David Koresh and the Branch Davidians, HeavenĆ¢??s Gate, and Scientology. However, Star Trek fans, often called Trekkies or Trekkers are part of a cult. So are EQ Players, thereĆ¢??s even a small little following of Brenlo that exhibits cultish behaviors.

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Inventory Management: What Do I Have and Where is It?

It\'s 9 PM. Do you know where all your network devices are?\r\n\r\nAs networks continue to grow and become more diverse, developing effective inventory practices is becoming even more crucial.

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The Most Dangerous Words on the Web

A team of researchers, let by Ben Edelman and Hannah Rosenbaum of a British firm called Site Advisor, tried entering 1,394 popular search terms into the web\'s most popular search engines--Google, Yahoo!, MSN, AOL and Ask.com. They came up with a chart you may find both amusing and sobering.

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FSF launches DefectiveByDesign.org

DefectiveByDesign.org is a broad-based, anti-DRM campaign that is targeting Big Media, unhelpful manufacturers and DRM distributors.

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WoW players as lab rats

Nick Yee from the Stanford Virtual Human Interaction Lab has penned a scientific paper titled \"Alone Together? Exploring the Social Dynamics of Massively Multiplayer Online Games\".

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Why I Would Rather Have An iPod Than A Girlfriend

Pretty funny comparison of an iPod and a girlfriend

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Ironcically, Apple Mac mini is my most \'Vista Ready\' PC

Ironically, the machine that was in the best shape for Vista, at least according to the tool, was a loaned Apple Mac Mini with 1GB of memory. That system was Aero-ready, according to the tool, as long as I devoted more of the system\'s modest hard drive over to the Windows partition

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How to convert TV Series DVDs to DivX/XviD with ease using free software

Nice guide including folder structures. This is not the same as converting straight forward DVDs, but is tailored for TV series based DVDs.

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Research Highlights How Bacteria Produce Energy

Using a variety of natural food sources, bacteria can be used to create electricity, produce alternative fuels like ethanol and even boost the output of existing oil wells, according to research being presented this week at the 106th General Meeting of the (ASM) American Society for Microbiology in Orlando, Florida.

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WinFS at Tech Ed 2006, in Boston!

Learn about Microsoft\'s vision for Integrated Data Ć¢?? a single platform for storing and accessing structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. See how WinFS, Microsoft\'s new relational filesystem for Windows, delivers on this promise.

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eWeek\'s review of the new MS Office 2007 Beta 2

eWEEK Labs\' evaluation of Microsoft\'s Office 2007 Beta 2 unearthed compelling features and tools, and reminded us why enterprises continue to rely on the productivity suite.

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Sexual attraction-parts grow out of all proportion

Most body parts grow proportionally with the rest of the body as individuals of a species become larger, although scientists have long known that visual cues of reproductive prowess are a special case.

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Repairing Windows XP in Eight Commands

Article describing how to repair Windows XP when your PC is inaccessible from the standard boot procedures, and you have to use the recovery console as your last resort!

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The Truth about global warming- It\'s the sun\'s fault

An astrophysicist friend of mind told me some time ago that SUV\'s and smog producing factories couldn\'t be to blame for global warming because Mars was warming at nearly the same rate. Maybe we should blame the sun that is currently hotter and brighter than its been in 1000 years.

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Research Suggests Multiple \'Body Clocks\'

Research conducted at Oregon Health & Science University suggests that contrary to popular belief, the body has more than one \"body clock.\" Researchers at OHSU\'s Oregon National Primate Research Center (ONPRC) have now revealed the existence of a secondary clock-like mechanism associated with the adrenal gland.

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X-Men: Last Stand Post-Credits Scene?

At the theater this weekend, when the credits roll, when the audiences begins to filter out of the exits... keep your seat. And then, perhaps, share this little secret with a few of your friends: the movie isn\'t over.

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Webdesign mockup using Photoshop

Through images and a small amount of text, an example is shown of how to make webdesign mockups in Photoshop. Yet another addition to the webdesign workflow articles.

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Monday, May 22, 2006

How much sleep do we really need? the 8 hour myth

The eight-hours mantra has no more scientific basis than the tooth fairy, says Neil Stanley, head of sleep research at the Human Psychopharmacology Research Unit at the University of Surrey in Britain. He believes that everyone has their own individual Ć¢��sleep needĆ¢�� which can be anywhere between three and 11 hours.

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OS X & XP running side-by-side using dual-display and Parallels (VIDEO)

This is better then fast OS switching since you can use both OS\'s at the same time using dual-display.

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South American pyramid is a farming \"alarm clock\"

Ć¢��I was staring up at the temple and realised it all aligned with the stars... this alignment meant that at dawn at every winter solstice 4,200 years ago, stars would appear in line with the temple and alert priests that river flooding was due and it was time to start planting crops. It was laid out as a wake-up call to the community.Ć¢��

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Star Wars In 3D

According to this George Lucas is sold on the idea of re-releasing Episode I in 3D with new technology.

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The. Best. Case. Mod. Ever

bit-tech has what is quite probably the most outrageous case mod on the planet. The attention to detail, man-hours and photographic quality on this is simply insane. It truly is \'da bomb\'! (The case theme is a Weapon of Mass Destruction!) Note: this is the finished version of the original mod which went ballistic on here previously!

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Wired News leaks FULL AT&T NSA documents!

Happened at 2:00AM EST on Monday. This is going to be huge news.

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Create a cool smokey effect in Photoshop

Nice tutorial for making a smokey effect in Photoshop

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Use Trillian Wherever You Go

Install Trillian on your zip Disk, CD, Diskonkey, or any other type of portable media. Take Trillian, your preferences, and your contact list with you wherever you go. Follow the steps of this online wizard to create your own installation of Trillian that will work wherever you go using any portable media that you can use.

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Sega Game Gear - A Painful Look Back

A look back (with pics and video) at the delightfully brick-like Game Gear, it's bulky accessories, and best games. Sure in the early 90s it drained batteries the way Jordan drained jumpshots, but the Game Gear coulda been a contender!

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Trojan nuclear cooling tower IMPLODED today!

The 499-foot tall cooling tower for the now-defunct Trojan Nuclear Plant near Rainier, OR was demolished this morning after detonating around 2.950 pounds of dynamite. Videos from many angles, including slow-mo, interior and infrared shots!

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Aftermath: The Marriage of Apple and Intel

"A new report suggests that IBM wasn't the only one left at the altar when Apple eloped with Intel. Apple's relationship with P.A. Semi may have been further along than we thought." "I'm a hardware guy and that almost all of the truly distinctive aspects of Mac hardware have gone bye-bye."

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Sunday, May 21, 2006

Hotel TV Hack for Free Movies

"HereĆ¢��s a tip for those of you that stay in Marriot hotels. Marriot has installed a PPV system nationwide called Ć¢��On CommandĆ¢��. As far as I can tell, there is a radio frequency module attached to the TV that signals some master hotel unit to order movies and add charges to your hotel bill." I'm sure this is illegal.

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TV Theme Songs (Open Directory)

Includes such classics as Monty Python's Flying Circus, Futurama, The Jeopardy 'thinking' music, and the Super Mario Bros. show.

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TV Theme Songs (Open Directory)

Includes such classics as Monty Python's Flying Circus, Futurama, The Jeopardy 'thinking' music, and the Super Mario Bros. show.

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LED Touch Sensor Project

JustDIY proves that LEDs can be used for more than lighting, but also as an input device. "This is a collection of the work this user has done using the bi-directional properties of LEDs. he have also included links to information found on the subject and the project by an NYU research that inspired him."

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Soviet Architecture Never Built (awesome photos)

"Although, ultimately, neither of these projects was realised, the plans submitted by the participants had a noticeable influence on the development of Moscow, and many of the entries have earned a place in this century's repository of project planning."

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LED Touch Sensor Project

JustDIY proves that LEDs can be used for more than lighting, but also as an input device. "This is a collection of the work this user has done using the bi-directional properties of LEDs. he have also included links to information found on the subject and the project by an NYU research that inspired him."

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17gigs of free searchable textures and models

Spectralogue - thousands of free textures and some fully textured tileable 3d models. No registration, no ads, no chance for the server.

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Ethanol: Myths and Realities

Ten questions and answers about the fuel that's supposed to save the economy. There's plenty of misinformation swirling around and a host of questions. What exactly is ethanol? How is it made and used? And is it really a viable alternative to gas? Here's what you need to know now.

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Scientists say they have cleared technical hurdle in fusion research

Physicists working in the United States believe they have cracked an important problem facing man-made nuclear fusion, touted as the cheap, safe, clean and almost limitless energy source of the future.

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1964: Build Your Own LASER!

An article from Popular Science Magazine 1964, Build Your Own Laser! "It may sound like science fictionĆ¢�� but itĆ¢��s really science fact: You can build a working ruby laser. A ruby laser is a source of coherent light. All of the light waves in the pencil-thin, bright-red ruby laser beam are in phase or in step with each other."

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Ford Nucleon: The Nuclear Car

The Ford Nucleon was a nuclear-powered concept car developed by Ford Motor Company in 1958. The car did not have an internal-combustion engine, rather, it was powered by a small nuclear reactor in the trunk of the car.

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Textbooks causing America to fall behind

At its core, the economic surge in India and China comes down to brains. The industries driving the regionĆ¢��s challenge to American leadership Ć¢�� communications, information technology, biotech and the like Ć¢�� canĆ¢��t thrive without a steady supply of highly educated, intellectually flexible workers.

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Saturday, May 20, 2006

Pondering Apple's Next Desktop Mac

We have some evidence that Apple is working on a media center. Some have suggested that this next Mac will have the Intel "Conroe" chip. This is a 64-bit, dual core chip with SSE4 and destined to be called the Core 2 Duo. No matter. It'll have the best 64-bit CPU that Apple can integrate before 2006 is over.

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How to Silkscreen Posters and Shirts

Silkscreening is such a great happy medium Ć¢�� nestled comfortably half-way between hand-drawn and mass production, more colourful than photocopying and with an aesthetic all its own.

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Photos of 100 Rooms; each 100 Square Feet in Size; Hong Kong Public Housing

"100 x 100"..... photographs of residents in their flats in hong kong's oldest public housing estate: 100 rooms, each 100 square feet in size. Is this a hint of things to come once the World becomes REALLY overpopulated?

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Under Attack by the RIAA : Defending the XM Nation

The music industry wants to stop your ability to choose when and where you can listen. Their lawyers have filed a meritless lawsuit to try and stop you from enjoying these radios.

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Why are Diesel-powered vehicles being held back in North America?

In Europe, 36% of all newly registered vehicles are diesel-powered. In North America, that figure is 2-3%. Diesel fuel is usually cheaper on gasoline,fuel mileage is 10-20 percent higher in many diesel cars, and the turbo can actually add both to the efficiency and power of the engine. So why isn't everyone using it?

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Witnesses back Rep. Smith's Plug-In Hybrid Bill (100+ mpg PHEV automobiles)

Witnesses today expressed unanimous support for proposed legislation that would advance the commercialization of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles.

Link to 100+ mpg cars available now in comments.

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Anti-electric car conspiracy by GM, oil companies?

Electric car advocate Doug Korthof explains how oil companies have prevented the development and sale of entirely electric cars by restricting the availability of high capacity NiMH batteries using patents they acquired.

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Coolest photo you will see today

Launch of Space Shuttle Endeavour. This is a five minute exposure taken from about 7 miles away from the pad. Taken with a borrowed all-manual Nikomat camera, 24 mm lens, f/16, Kodak Royal Gold 100 film. When the exposure was stopped in this shot, the shuttle was approximately 229 statute miles downrange.

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Suround Sound from an mp3?

MP3 Surround enables high-quality surround sound at bit rates comparable to those currently used to encode stereo MP3 material. It is backwards compatible to stereo MP3; a legacy MP3 device plays back MP3 Surround as high quality stereo.

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Time Dilation: Frontiers of Time Perception

When a person's life is in danger, a phenomenon known as 'time-dilation' can occur. This is when, during a car crash for example, time seems to slow down or become frozen. In these cases the internal clock speeds up when facing a potential catastrophe, so as to take in more information more quickly and function more effectively in an emergency.

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Big in Japan

How come scientists are famous in Asia, and we get Kevin Federline?

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Scientists create new type of liquid crystal focusing lens.

The new lens uses a mixture of liquid crystal and monomers allowing the focus to change with voltage. The crystals migrate to the substrates where the voltage is applied, while the monomers move towards the center. The new way has less distortion but takes more time to refocus as the crystals don't change orientation.

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Is Evolution Predictable?

Can we predict how animals and plants evolve in response to changes in the environment? Maybe, according to preliminary research from Rice University.

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Friday, May 19, 2006

XM Satellite Radio responds to the Stupid RIAA lawsuit.

XM Radio basically tells the RIAA to shove it! They won't be bullied around by the RIAA and they'll fight them!
"We will vigorously defend these radios and your right to enjoy them in court and before Congress, and we expect to win."

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Cure for cancers 'in five years'

The world's first patient trials will take place later this year. The treatment - gene-modified t-cell therapy - could replace more intrusive treatments like chemotherapy. The cells are fitted with a "tracker" device to kill cancer cells before being injected back into the patient.

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The Big Test - MacBook As A Windows Machine

Harry McCracken, of PC World, takes a look at the MacBook as a Windows machine and he likes it. True, he is a Mac person at heart but the MacBook plus Boot Camp equals nirvana.

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Computer Security Modeled After Human Immune System Response

THE way the body's immune system responds when its cells are under attack has inspired a new way of protecting computer networks from viruses and hackers.

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Happy Sex Is Healthy Sex

Something about the computer takes away the embarrassment around sexuality and sexual health issues, freeing people to communicate more openly than they would in person.

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Land Speed Record: Mountain Moves 62 Miles in 30 Minutes

A mountain near the Montana-Wyoming border once moved 62 miles in a half-hour in a catastrophic scenario that could be repeated elsewhere, scientists say. Rock at the summit of Heart Mountain is 250 million years older than at its base. That suggests the top and the bottom have not always been together.

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Senate Votes to Make English the `National Language' of U.S.

The Senate voted to make English the ``national language'' of the U.S. as part of legislation overhauling immigration policy.

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Iran eyes badges for Jews

Human rights groups are raising alarms over a new law passed by the Iranian parliament that would require the country's Jews and Christians to wear coloured badges to identify them and other religious minorities as non-Muslims.

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Your Telco owes you $1,000

If your telephone company is one of the companies that decided to take financial compensation from the federal government in exchange for illegally proving your records to them they owe you $1,000. Now IANAL but this seems pretty damn clear cut to me.

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Iconize Me!

"Iconize Me! is the original online caricature service. The concept is simple: You submit an order along with a photo of yourself and we draw you. Why take a trip to the fair and sit in the heat while someone draws you in black & white when it can all be done through email?"

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Thursday, May 18, 2006

Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor Now Available for Download.

Microsoft has released the beta version of its Vista Upgrade Advisor software for download. It will let people know what hardware must be upgraded in order to get the best experence from Vista.

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Stealthier Firefox Extension (aka. pr0n mode)

Firefox extension Stealther lets you browse the web without leaving a trace of your browsing session on your computer.

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Human, Chimp Ancestors May Have Mated

Early human ancestors and chimpanzee ancestors may have mated and produced offspring, according to a new DNA study.

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The 9/11 Story that "got away"

In 2001, an anonymous White House source leaked top-secret NSA intelligence to New York Times reporter Judith Miller that Al Qaida was planning a major attack on the United States. But the story never made it into the paper.

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Would You Believe The RIAA Would Go Back On Its Word?

Following the news of the RIAA suing XM for daring to come up with a device that lets people record their satellite radio offerings, it seems worth reminding the RIAA how they swore up, down, left and right that they would never, ever file such a lawsuit.

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Hardware requirements for Windows Vista officially announced

Microsoft today revealed the minimum specifications for Windows Vista, in two tiers: "Vista Capable" and "Premium Ready." And as usual, the emphasis is on minimum.

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Monkeys Use "Sentences," Study Suggests

Putty-nosed monkeys put two different alarm calls together to create urgent warnings, according to observations recently made of the West African primates. These monkey "sentences" appear to be evidence of what is widely considered to be a uniquely human ability: stringing words together to convey a message, or syntax.

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Bausch & Lomb has been blinding contact users with a flesh eating fungus!

For the last two years several people in Singapore have gotten a flesh eating fungus in their contact moisturizer drops.

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RIAA: Not funny anymore

The recording industry said XM's Inno device, which stores music and divides it into tracks, infringes copyright. The lawsuit seeks $150,000 in damages for EVERY song copied by XM customers to an Inno gadget.

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