Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Web2.0 bullshit generator

I've always known there is something irritatingly similar about all of this, just couldn't put my finger on it - well here you go - Web2.0 bullshit generator.

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Students, Moms Make Ends Meet As Strippers

"20/20' Goes Inside the World of 'Gentlemen's Clubs" "But as we listened to them talk about competing against other women and avoiding abuse and exploitation, we realized their stories were echoed not just by other dancers, but by women throughout the work force."

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Jay Leno Tribute To Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin

A touching and funny memorial to Steve Irwin from Jay Leno. We love you Steve.

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Steve Irwin's Career 1962-2006 (Photo Gallery)

A look Back in Time

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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Effects of Substance Use Spans Generations

In a long-term study conducted across three generations, researchers found that substance use in one generation was associated with problem behaviors and later substance use in the following generation. In turn, the substance use in the second generation was related to problem behaviors in the third generation.

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Monday, September 04, 2006

How To: 53 Professional Photography Techniques

In the spirit of the Internet, I want to share my experience as a photographer so every month I post a collection of my most interesting images shot in the previous 28 days as well as a detailed description of how some of the images were shot. Some great photography tips and techniques here, apparently from portrait photographer Neil Turner.

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Side-by-Side Comparison Shots of Changes Made to The Empire Strikes Back

Cool gallery of images comparing the 1980 version of the movie to the 2004 DVD release. This was probably the safest of the movies to show comparisons as people are still sore over Greedo shooting first.

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Sunday, September 03, 2006

California to give presidential electoral votes to nation's pop vote winner

The California Legislature passed a bill that would give California's 55 electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote, rather than the candidate who captured the state

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Thursday, August 31, 2006

Generate Your Very Own Official Seal

Official Seal Generator - Enter some text, choose a border and an emblem, pick your colors, and click the 'Go' button. An Official Seal will be generated for you. Collect 'em, trade 'em, put 'em on your website, or e-mail 'em to your friends.....

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Bill Gates Inside DOOM Pimping Windows 95

The following is a video that has not seen the light of day since 1995. Bill Gates gives a speech about Windows 95 and DirectX, starring as the marine from DOOM.

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Friday, August 25, 2006

Women fall into 'trance' during orgasm

The key to female arousal seems rather to be deep relaxation and a lack of anxiety, with direct sensory input from the genitals playing a less critical role.

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Thursday, August 24, 2006

Czech It Out - Marijuana Isn't The Problem, Drug Laws Are

The Czech Republic is the only place on Earth to have completely thumbed their noses at the common drug charter of the U.N. So you would think that the country must have a serious drug problem right? There must be tons of crime and disgusting elements in public, right?

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Magic Sand

Magic sand is a special type of hydrophobic sand.Meaning that it avoids water.This video demonstrates it's properties.

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Star Wars - "The Last Supper"

Great painting comissioned for Giant Magazine. I think Vader should be in Jesus' spot - but it's still really cool as it is.

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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

PryingEyes walking in? Defeat 'em with 2clicks with this 32kb portable app

HideWin is a small program that sits in your system tray and can be used to hide or show any windows that is running with a press of a hotkey. You can define the hotkey yourself. The HideWin's Icon also can be hiden. You can even pull your keychain after executing for 0 traces

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Discovery: Why The Immune System Cannot Battle HIV

Scientists at Boston's Massachusetts General Hospital say they have discovered why the immune system cannot fight the HIV virus. HIV activates a molecular switch in the cells that turns them off, but he and his team were able to reactive the cells in a laboratory setting. He said the process might someday help fight HIV, cancer and Hepatitis C.

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Chavez offers China: Cheap Oil

Chavez's six-day tour of the world's fourth-largest economy and second biggest energy consumer comes at a crucial time for his country as it seeks to dramatically increase oil production.

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Discovery could be the future of paper

Researchers have achieved a breakthrough in nanotechnology: paper made from long titanium oxide nanowires. The material can be bent, trimmed, and folded like normal paper, but it's chemically inert and can withstand temperatures up to 700 Celsius (almost 1300 degrees Fahrenheit).

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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Bush Fog Machine & The War Crimes Act

In fear of the Supreme Court ruling in June, the administration has drafted two changes
�in the War Crimes Act and in our treaty obligations under the Geneva Conventions�to foreclose any prosecutions of the Bush high command. The goal is to get these amendments passed by the Republican-controlled Congress before the midterm elections.

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Iran Attacks Romanian Oil Rig

The Iranians first fired into the air and then fired at the Orizont rig, said GSP spokesman Radu Petrescu. Half an hour later, troops from the ship boarded and occupied the rig and the company lost contact with the 26 crew members shortly afterward. Petrescu said he had no information about any injuries or deaths.

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The Mother of All Windows XP Tweaking Guides

The TweakGuides Tweaking Companion Version 3.1 is the complete system optimization guide for Windows XP users. It contains an enormous amount of detailed descriptions and resources together in one free 175 page downloadable PDF file.

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iPod eBook Creator - convert books into notes on iPod

This utility/PHP script loads large text file and splits it into notes for use on iPod. It is easy to read your book in plain text format on your iPod via Notes functionality. All notes will be automatically linked, so you can move from one to another with absolute ease. It's as simple as turning pages of the book.

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Jon Stewart Slams the Media on JonBenet Ramsey Coverage

Jon Stewart takes the mainstream media to town on their ridiculously sensationalistic coverage of the recent break in the JonBenet.

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A video of what Counter-Strike would be like in real life. The audio is amazing!

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Thursday, August 17, 2006

Copperfield says he's found Fountain of Youth

Master illusionist David Copperfield says he has found the "Fountain of Youth" in the southern Bahamas, amid a cluster of four tiny islands he recently bought for $50 million.

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Why Jon Stewart should run for President

"I think that Jon Stewart should run for President of the United States. I know I
â??m not the first to suggest it, and I doubt Iâ??m the first to seriously consider it as a possibility, but Iâ??ve given the idea some thought, and Iâ??ve come up with 8 reasons he should run."

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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The 62% Violent Pac-Man. It's Simply Mind Numbingly Stupid.

The U.S. Senate recently heard testimony on violent video games from Dr. Thompson, a Harvard researcher that claims PacMan is 62% violent, and that saying "push it to the limit" is sexual. Her research is amazingly out-of-touch with reality. Some of the other games: Mario (41.3%), Zelda (68.4%). Why do people keep listening to this kind of crap?

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Coolest version of Pachelbel's Canon ever.

Jerry C plays an incredible rock version of Canon in D, and tears it up. I've had this playing in the background while I work, all day long. The end of this arrangement is simply awesome.

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Eat These Specific Foods To Raise Your Metabolism and Help Burn Body Fat

Good list of Thermogenic Foods.

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We Have Met the Enemy in the War On Terror. . . and He Is Us

"The German people in the 1930s were happy to sacrifice their liberties to a leader who would keep them secure. They did this for 12 years. For the 8871st time, Bush II is not Adolf Hitler. However, the American people are in total denial that their own government, left unchecked, can do far more harm than any foreign terrorist."

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FOX News Producer Resigns. Says Due to Middle East Coverage

"We can no longer work with a news organization that claims to be fair and balanced when you are so far from that." They went on to write "Not only are you an instrument of the Bush White House, and Israeli propaganda, you are war mongers with no sense of decency, nor professionalism."

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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Myth of Health Insurance

It is important to recognize that what we call �health insurance� has little to do with health and nothing to do with insurance. We do not face a �health insurance crisis.� We face the consequences of a set of economic and social problems rooted in a futile effort to make the distribution of health care egalitarian.

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Monday, August 14, 2006

Guy mods his PC in the style of a Mustang Car.

Super cool case mod based on the Mustang muscle cars of yester-year. Must see for anyone who likes to see how people make their case mods. The designer goes into how he made the case with pictures for each stage.

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Hot Dogs May Cause Genetic Mutations

"Everyone knows hot dogs aren't exactly healthy for you, but in a new study chemists find they may contain DNA-mutating compounds that might boost one's risk for cancer."

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Stephen Colbert Clip Archives

There seems to be a new Colbert clip on the homepage everyday. Stop digging every Colbert clip that gets submitted. Here is an archive of well over 100 clips. Digg this and move on.

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Old School Video: Steve Introduces G4 Cube

6 years later. I still find it hilarious.

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The Zombie Poison Identified as Tetrodotoxin

Clairvius Narcisse was declared dead. 18 years later, in 1980, a shuffling, vacant-eyed man identified himself as, Clairvius. He told a fantastic tale of being dug up from his grave, beaten to his senses, and led away to work as a slave on a remote sugar plantation. The authentic �zombie powder� was shown to produce a death like coma.

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The Art Of Crafting A Movie Trailer...

Very interesting look at the process behind creating a movie trailer.

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HUGE Comic Books Archive - 2861 comics online

Awesome archiece. Download older DC Comics

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Sunday, August 13, 2006

An old hi-resolution colour photograph of London - circa 1930's?

I found this photo embedded in the Wikipedia article of London, without any comments or even a description. It is an old photo taken at Piccadilly Circus looking up Shaftsbury Avenue. This is a great photo - something that you don't see often as it is in colour!
A great and interesting peek into the past.

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Quite possibly the best Stephen Colbert episode's ever

Little under five minutes, but nonetheless, it's hilarious.

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Old games screenshots made with Lego!!!

Metal gear, Duck Hunt, Excite bike..

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Saturday, August 12, 2006

Weighing a Switch to a Mac

Ten years ago, if you were a Windows user, the idea of switching to a Macintosh might not have seemed enticing. An abundance of new Windows software was arriving on store shelves, while the selection available to Mac users seemed to be falling behind, often relegated to a back corner of the same store.

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Replace minimum wage laws with a free market in education?

Economist Walter Williams tackles minimum wage laws, shows why they don't make economic sense, and concludes by suggesting that people who want to help low-skilled workers should "do something about the rotten education that many receive".

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Study: U.S. babies are becoming fatter

U.S. medical researchers have examined more than 120,000 Massachusetts children under age 6 for 22 years -- and found today's babies are fatter. The study by Harvard Medical School and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care shows young children -- especially infants -- are more likely than children in past years to be overweight.

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A Backward Look at Modern Algebra

Review for "Unknown Quantity: A Real and Imaginary History of Algebra"

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How Many People Is Too Many?

Is 300 million people too many -- or not enough? Wade into a discussion of population size, and you're soon up to your neck in a host of knotty issues: sex, contraception, immigration, economic justice and ecological crises.

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Lucky Bastards; European Apple Stores use Sexier iPod ads; US too tame?

Here's an actual Apple iPod ad found in a Czech Apple Store

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Now For Something Truly Bizarre

Variations in the prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii "may explain a substantial proportion of human population differences we see in cultural aspects that relate to ego, money, material possessions, work and rules." It sounds like an absurdly grand claim, but toxoplasma, a protozoan, is such strange organism that it might not be entirely crazy.

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How liquid explosives work

In light of the terrorist attacks foiled by authorities in the UK, I was left wondering exactly how liquid explosives work and how they would be deployed by terrorists. This Howstuffworks article is the answer to such questions.

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99 Top Gun Movie Mistakes

Ever noticed any mistakes in the movie "Top Gun"? Well, here are 99 of them.

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Mother Gives Birth to Cyclops (pictures)

A woman in India has given birth to a girl with one eye, no nose, and a brain with fused hemispheres, known as cyclopia. Medical experts have reason to believe that an experimental anti-cancer drug is the cause of the severe deformities.

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Legislators vote to accept federal money for Real ID

"It almost smacks of back in the last century, in the regimes in Germany and the Soviet Union and those countries, where people walked down the street and got asked for 'papers please,'" he said. "We just don't need that," Councilor Peter Spaulding said. Unfortunately, the other 4 still need some encouragement to keep the Fed's at bay.

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Cool photo of an orbital sunrise

As seen from the International Space Station.

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Original 'Star Trek' set to fly again.

The TV Land network is set to add the original "Star Trek" series to its regular U.S. rotation beginning with a special 40th anniversary episode next month.

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The Batman Begins case w/PICS

The Batman Begins case is a project of mine that dragged out over a year and five months. It was completely finished a week ago. With such an odd shape, most people wonder where the cables plug into.

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Dear Senator, I wanna be illegal!

This is freakin' hilarious! A Maryland resident petitions his senator and asks how he can become an illegal alien. read his letter.

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Pesti-Cola Scandal: Pesticide Claims Shake Up Coke and Pepsi

After allegations of high levels of toxic chemicals in their subcontinental sodas, the companies face bans amid a media uproar. Welcome to the India installment of the fabled cola wars. Global soft-drink heavies Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are actually on the same side. In short, this is shaping up to be a public-relations calamity of the first order.

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Editor of the Official PlayStation Magazine getting a Xbox 360 in November.

The Managing Editor of the "Official" PlayStation Magazine, Dana Jongewaard writes in her blog that she is getting an Xbox 360 this November instead of a PS3. It's more than a little ironic that an editor of the Official PlayStation Magazine has chosen the console of Sony's chief competitor over the PlayStation 3. A very interesting read.

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Google Video's new 'Mature & Adult' category

Interesting..."Google Video now allows you to you to upload adult videos."

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Stephen Colbert on Whose Line Is It Anyway?!

Stephen Colbert shows his comedic, acting, and newsreporting talents in his guest starring role on an episode of Whose Line? from 1999. A great "Before They Were Famous" clip.

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Awesome video of atheist people and their accomplishments...disproving how atheists are thought to be.

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Top 10 Most Stolen Cars

according to Forbes

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BEST Case Mod: Doom 3 (4 Pages Of Pics)

This mod is INSANE... It has a smoke machine, motorized doors, all custom painted to match the game, - monitor mod included as well. etc...

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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Koffi Annan is a moron. Here's a great example of why...

Dutch Government resigns as a result of U.N. "peace-keeping".
U.N. fails to condemn slavery in Sudan.
The U.N. is even a joke in Sierra Leone.
Where was the U.N. during the massacre in Rwanda in 1994?
Where were they when Mugabe expunged all white farmers from Zimbabwe, and caused a famine that threatens to kill 8 million?

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Monday, August 07, 2006

Half of U.S. still believes Iraq had WMD

Half of America apparently still thinks so, a new poll finds, and experts see a raft of reasons why: a drumbeat of voices from talk radio to die-hard bloggers to the Oval Office, a surprise headline here or there, a rallying around a partisan flag, and a growing need for people, in their own minds, to justify the war in Iraq.

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Apple on Vista, Leopard, Retail windows

Apple's Leopard operating system is taking aim at rival offerings from Microsoft. Meanwhile, Mac OS X developers get their hands on Leopard beginning Monday. And the announcements coming out of WWDC will reportedly spur display changes inside Apple retail store windows.

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Iran threatens to use 'oil weapon' in nuclear standoff.

Iran warned Britain and the US yesterday that the international community could face a new oil crisis if the United Nations security council imposes sanctions on Tehran over its alleged attempt to acquire a nuclear weapons-making capability. Iran is the world's fourth largest oil exporter and is estimated to have the second largest oil reserves.

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Top 10 Most Bizarre Game Plotlines

Ever played a game that was SO messed up you're like WTF was the developer thinking?? This is a cool collection of ten of the most crack-induced game plotlines of all time. Post your Top 10 in the comments below.

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BP Shutting Down Large Alaska Oil Field

BP Exploration Alaska, Inc. began shutting down the Prudhoe Bay oil field Sunday after discovering unexpectedly severe corrosion and a small spill from a transit pipeline.

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AMD to drop ATi brand

AMD has bought ATi and they're going to ditch the ATi brand - so get ready to be buying AMD Radeons...

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Newsweek: White House planning for Iraq civil war.

The Bush administration insists Iraq is a long way from civil war, but the contingency planning has already begun inside the White House and the Pentagon. President Bush will move U.S. troops out of Iraq if the country descends into civil war, according to one senior Bush aide.

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Gallery of stunning digital photography with tutorials

This guy uses a very scientific approach to photography with wonderful results. The site is packed with technical data and tutorials which provide practical "how to" information for any digital photographer, but a visit to the gallery is worthwhile for anyone.

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Typhoid fever led to the fall of Athens

Researchers have for many years debated the cause of the Plague of Athens. Analysis carried out by Manolis Papagrigorakis and colleagues using DNA collected from teeth from an ancient Greek burial pit points to typhoid fever as the disease responsible for this devastating epidemic.

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The Sweden Myth

The so-called Swedish model has been getting great press lately. But Stefan Karlsson says Sweden's economic boom is wholly illusory, a product of the monetary printing press.

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Family Guy's Best of Hitler

The best Hitler clips from Family Guy. My favorite one is when he says " If you are going to be in the Los Angeles area und would like tickets to Hitler, call 213-Du-Werdest-Eine-Krankenschwester-Brauchen!!!"

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"Math hasn't changed since Isaac Newton," declares Scott McNealy ...

... So why, he asks, is California paying some $400 million annually to "update" grade-school textbooks? That's just one of the practices questioned by the Sun Microsystems chairman. And one of the problems he believes can be solved.

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Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Half-Life 2: Episode One Black Hole Grenade

"An ingenious poster, RomeoJGuy, over at has found a secret weapon within Half-Life 2: Episode 1 -- The black hole grenade. "

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Amazing touch screen that could change computers forever!!

Even though this is most certainly not ready for prime-time.. the concept looks like an interface full of possibilities. Much more advanced than the trippy cocktail table amusements found today in a few swanky bars.

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Ultimate boot CD

A Linux boot diagnostic CD that has many different anti virus,hard disk,networking,bios,system info, and benchmarking apps

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Governors Bristle At Bush's National Guard Proposal.

The nation's governors are closing ranks in opposition to a proposal in Congress that would let the president take control of the National Guard in emergencies without consent of governors. The idea, spurred by the destruction that followed Hurricane Katrina is part of a House-passed version of the National Defense Authorization Act.

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Sporty New 157 MPG Car- Looks Great at only $13,000

"This German creation claims a fuel economy of 157 mpg with no fancy hybrid drive train, fuel cells, or plug in paraphernalia. Weighing less than a thousand pounds, the sporty rear-wheel drive 4-seater is designed to be maximally aerodynamic." The Loremo AG can handle 0-60 in less than 10 seconds, but with a top speed of 100 MPH.

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Asta la Vista, Vista!

Mac OS X Leopard � Introducing Vista 2.0

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"(AP) -- Kevin Barrett believes the U.S. government might have destroyed the World Trade Center. Steven Jones is researching what he calls evidence that the twin towers were brought down by explosives detonated inside them, not by hijacked airliners."

FAQ About Congress

How many members of Congress are there?
How long until Election Day?
What is a "Constituent"?
How much do Representatives and Senators get paid?
Congress never seems to do anything. Why is that?

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How I learned to break in to Apple and Code for them without Permission.

One man was so determined to finish his project, he broke into Cupertino every day, to code for them without pay or permission. Six months later, he sneaked the app into the final version of Mac OS 9, without Apple ever knowing.

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UFO - Cylinder Chased by Soviet MIG-21 Accelerates - Google Video

Shows Russian MIGS chasing an unknown aircraft. They try to explain what it could be.

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Apple WWDC 2006 Keynote: Live Text Coverage

A list of sites providing live text and IRC coverage of Monday's keynote address by Steve Jobs.

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Legalizing Marijuana - A New Republican Strategy?

The Republican Party has a new voter registration project in Fresno. It involves luring people to sign a LEGALIZE MARIJUANA petition and then re-registering them as Republicans.

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John Deere prototype walking tractor (video)

Could this be the future of agricultural farm implementations? I'm not sure, but I know this is one of the coolest machines I've ever seen.

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Phone numbers stations mystery revealed at DEFCON

For three months, mysterious telephone numbers have been appearing on the Craigslist classified ad site which, when called, play recordings which sound much like shortwave numbers stations used by certain governments to communicate with intelligence agents in the field. Now the secret behind these phone numbers stations has been revealed.

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Jon Stewart / Stephen Colbert Check-In: The Pirate Edition

Arrr Matey!

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Coke and Pepsi told to spill secrets or face ban

INDIA'S highest court yesterday demanded that Coca-Cola should reveal its secret formula for the first time in 120 years.

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Play the original Oregon Trail!

This is the original game. Need I say more. Requires I.E. : (

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Slot Machine paid 10x the amount put in WITHOUT ANYONE GAMBLING

"When she put in a $20 bill the machine registered it as $200. She tried another $20 bill and the same thing happened, she said. Ford said she put eight $20 bills in the machine and received vouchers that could be redeemed for $1,600 in cash -- without even playing.
Other gamblers noticed."

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Saturday, August 05, 2006

Dude Wheres your B: Drive?

A nice explanation about why your computer doesn't have a B: Drive

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How to budget with three accounts

Financial blogger Ramit Sethi has a great bare-bones way to set up a good personal financial structure.

Basically, it boils down to three separate accounts: checking, savings, and investments, with sub-categories within each. Once you have the basic infrastructure processed, you'll be better able to see where your money goes.

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Friday, August 04, 2006

Repeated use of "the Wilhelm scream" over the years in movies

Different movies, different times, the same sound effect.

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US Generals raise fears of Iraq civil war

Two of the Pentagon's most senior generals conceded to Congress on Thursday that the surge in sectarian violence in Baghdad in recent weeks means Iraq may descend into civil war. "I believe that the sectarian violence is probably as bad as I have seen it," he said, adding that the top priority in Iraq is to secure the capital.

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NVIDIA's $18,000 Graphics Card Unveiled!

How's your e-penis now? As if PC gaming wasn't expensive enough, Nvidia have unveiled a graphics card that will be known to shooter fans simply as 'God'. The $18K Quadro Plex 1000. You could buy a pretty decent sports car for that kind of money. How many of your children will you sell to buy one?

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The Bermuda Triangle - What we do and don't know

You won't find it on any official map and you won't know when you cross the line, but according to some people, the Bermuda Triangle is a very real place where dozen of ships, planes and people have disappeared with no good explanation. Look at the facts about the area and some of the bizarre and mundane theories.

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Hillary Clinton Slams Rumsfeld, Questions His Judgment.

US Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) tore into Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld today as he testified before a Senate hearing. "Under your leadership there have been numerous errors in judgment that have led us to where we are in Iraq and Afghanistan. We have a full fledged insurgency and full blown sectarian conflict in Iraq," she said.

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The top Ten Hottest Billionaire Heiresses (includes slide show)

Looking for a woman with some cash? check out these very rich (and single) honnies. Perhaps you to can get lucky like in the movie Hitch?

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Mortgage defaults up 67% in California

The number of defaults on mortgage payments rose to a three-year high in the second quarter in California, a 67% increase from the year earlier period, according to DataQuick, a real estate data-compiling firm. Lenders sent 20,752 default notices to homeowners across the Golden State, up 10.5% from 18,778 the previous quarter.

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Square watermelons are the new round watermelons

Apparently round watermelons are hard to cut, don
�t fit in the fridge, and don�t stack very well. Luckily the Japanese invented the greatest thing since the Walkman to solve the problem.

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� minimun wage increase REJECTED by US Senate - $5.15 for few more years

The GOP strategy put Democrats in an uncomfortable position. Either they could vote against the bill - thus rejecting a minimum wage increase - or they could vote for it - thus agreeing to cut taxes on multimillion-dollar estates. Most rejected the bill, blocking a GOP victory months before the election

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Chocolate cellphone only looks sweet; design flawed

If you needed any proof that cellphones today are often about everything but phone calls, Verizon Wireless this week made that case by releasing a phone called the Chocolate, produced by LG, the big Korean electronics company. The Chocolate can make and receive phone calls and text messages, but it's designed as a music player first.

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Iran's plan to stop the war in the Middle East: Destroy Israel

TEHRAN, Iran � Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Thursday the solution to the Middle East crisis was to destroy Israel, state-media reported.

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Exclusive: Leopard Feature Set Leaked

upcoming features for 10.5

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Sex Starved Wife Calls Police To Intervene

Police in the German city of Aachen received an unusual call for help late Wednesday when a woman telephoned to complain her husband was not fulfilling his sexual obligations.

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Whitewashing Hiroshima: The Uncritical Glorification of American Militarism

Back in 1995, the Smithsonian Institute was preparing an honest but aggressive display dealing with the 50th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Amid much right-wing reactionary wrangling, the Smithsonian was forced to eliminate that painful but historically important part of the story: The Japanese civilian perspective

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Socialist Water: Why does govt have a monopoly on delivering water?

I overheard a heated discussion about water bills. They were saying that the city was going to double water rates over the next 5 years. One guy employed basic economics to defend his position. He asked how there could be such a large rate increase when there is clearly no shortage of water. There are always alternatives to government action.

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Report: Real U.S. Deficit in Trillions

The United States' true deficit is $2.9 trillion, more than three times the $729 billion the government claims, USA Today reported Thursday.

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When Only One Twin Gets a Disease

Identical twins share the same set of genes, such as ones for thick eyelashes or a pointy nose -- as well as the genes that boost risk for diseases. But sometimes rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, or another malady strikes one twin and not the other. What leads to such seemingly capricious twists of fate?

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Shocking before-and-after morphing picture of destruction in Beirut (PIC)

Click on the 'July 12' button then the 'July 31' button.

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Company where workers set their own salaries and hire their own bosses

At Semco: Employees set their own working hours, choose their own salaries, All meetings are voluntary and open to everyone, Employees hire their own bosses... read on for more.

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John Stewart makes fun of Mel Gibson news coverage

Today show: "He allegedly let loose a verbal assault, few will forget."
Then they show a braveheart scene where Mel says ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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How Popular is YOUR Last Name?

How common is your surname in America? Find out by entering your name into a searchable database of more than 50,000 surnames culled from the Social Security Index.

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Apple T-Shirts from the 80's

Some cheesy looking Apple T-Shirts from the 80�s.

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Breaking: Clinton calls for Rumsfeld's resignation

"I just don't understand why we can't get new leadership that would give us a fighting chance to turn the situation around before it's too late," the New York Democrat told the Associated Press. "I think the president should choose to accept Secretary Rumsfeld's resignation."

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List of Reasons to NEVER use FedEx

"Specifically, I worked at the Savannah terminal loading the truck that shipped boxes off to Atlanta for delivery. The truck I loaded was one of those containers that is carried by a semi, not those trucks that deliver packages to the home. What I learned during my short time there was that you should never send your packages through FedEx."

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Apple T-Shirts from the 80's

Some cheesy looking Apple T-Shirts from the 80�s.

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Thursday, August 03, 2006

List of Cancelled PS3 Games

Also includes cancelled Xbox 360 games.

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Possible Origin of Mysterious Red and Blue Lights in the Milky Way

For years, scientists have observed unstructured silicate particles in space, but could not pinpoint the origin of recent observation of wide presence of crystalline silicates or their role in the Milky Way Galaxy.

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Coming soon: an external video card near you?

Some cards are now available, like Asus' EAX1800XT, that offer an external 80 Watt power supply to ensure that the computer's own power supply doesn't get overloaded. The next logical step would be to remove the graphics card from the computer completely, and put it in an external box.

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Video: Paris Hilton "Stars Are Blind" Ripped?

Did Paris Hilton rip her music from the 80's band UB40? Check out the video with their music and Paris' music mashed together.

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Messy network pics: be glad your network doesn't look like this

I'd hate to be the guy made to do some of these cleanups.

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Surgeons find knife, nails in stomach

A team of surgeons in western Serbia earlier this week took out eight nails, a knife, a pen, a screw, a spoon, a clothes-peg and other, smaller objects, from a young man's stomach, one of the doctors said Wednesday.

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U.S. to send 11,000 Fresh Troops to Afghanistan

Pentagon: 82nd Airborne brigade among soldiers to be deployed

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Digital Darkroom: Was It Done With a Lens, or a Brush?

Like many amateur photographers, Joe Dejesus posts his photos online and compares them to the work of others on the photo-sharing site Flickr. At some point last year, a number of landscape photos caught his eye with their vibrant tones and colors. Their secret was a software technology known as H.D.R.

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Do Rent-to-Own Stores Hurt the Poor?

Many self-described advocates for the poor must believe that the poor are helpless imbeciles incapable of making sensible decisions. The new target: Rent-to-Own stores, which stand accused of preying upon residents of low-income areas.

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Hot Summer Nights Getting Even Hotter, Government Study Finds

America in recent years has been sweltering through three times more than its normal share of extra-hot summer nights, government weather records show. And that is a particularly dangerous trend.

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Video: Building Demolition Goes Wrong

The building might not have been destroyed but the company's reputation sure was.

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Malaysian babies can no longer be Hitler, Stalin or even 007

The National Registration Department has forbidden the country's multi-ethnic community from using names from a list that it has compiled, the 'New Strait Times' said today. "The department has put up a list of 'undesirable' names in a bid to spare a child the blushes when he/she grows up," the paper reported.

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The scientist whom history forgot

"A few years ago I was researching a book about Einstein when I stumbled on a footnote about an obscure Frenchwoman of the early 18th century. Her name was Emilie du Ch
âtelet; according to the note, she had played a role in developing the modern concept of energy, and had acquired a certain notoriety in her day."

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How To Steal a Laptop from Store and Walk Out with It

The pink panther music was a nice touch.

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Why 2007 Will Be A Great Year For Movies

Spider-Man 3, Pirates of the Caribbean 3, Transformers, Harry Potter 5, Ghost Rider, Grind House, Halo, Shrek 3, The Simpsons Movie, Sin City 2... to just name some of them!

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Massive Rubber Band Gatling Gun

It's the only fully automatic legal in all 50 states and is recommended for kids of ALL ages. I would hate to see some 3 year old aiming one of these at me. 12 rotating barrels filled with 12 rubber bands each = 144 welts & it's only $395.00!

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Rumsfeld Says He's Too Busy To Testify On Iraq War

Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said he essentially was too busy to testify at a public hearing on the Iraq war, raising a new furor on Capitol Hill over the three-year-old conflict.

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About Time: AOL Goes Free

After much speculation, AOL announced today that it would finally bite the bullet, and become a free portal, complete with free AOL email addresses for anyone who wants one. The company says it now wants to exploit the "explosive rise in broadband usage and online advertising", though, of course, it's already missed out on much of the explosion.

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Lucasfilm tells YouTube to put all removed Star Wars content back online.

YouTube removed all parody/fanfilm/spoof Star Wars content two days ago due to copyright violation. This morning, in an incredibly awesome PR move, Lucasfilm contacted YouTube, and told them to put it all back online - every last one.

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Apple readying "dizzying amount" of new products

Former Microsoft blogger Robert Scoble says big things are in store for Apple's August 7th press event. "I wish I could say more, but that'd get me sued by Steve Jobs and I don't need that kind of heck right now."

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Entire "Top Gear" Series Available for Free at BBC2

Last week the BBC demanded video host YouTube remove many copies of its Top Gear TV service from its website. That was because, this week, the BBC made Top Gear available in its entirety on-line at BBC2.

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The secret life of semen

Men may contribute more than just sperm to the babymaking process � their semen may coax things along as well.

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China's Secret War

A spate of recent spying cases opens the lid on China's aggressive military buildup. What's most troubling: It is based largely on U.S. technology. On a hot Florida day late in 2005, Ko-Suen "Bill" Moo was preparing for the endgame of a covert operation he'd been orchestrating for nearly two years...

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Evolution Opponents Lose Kansas Board Majority

Kansas voters on Tuesday handed power back to moderates on the State Board of Education, setting the stage for a return of science teaching that broadly accepts the theory of evolution, according to preliminary election results. The conservative Connie Morris who had described evolution as a "nice bedtime story" was one of the two defeated.

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Lost Scenes From Star Wars: A New Hope

See Luke visit with his friends on Tatooine and have a drink with Biggs. These scenes are not included on any of the DVD releases. There's also the original uncut/extended Cantina scene.

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� Gallery of Most Bizzare RAINBOWs Ever!

These are actually Natural Rainbows - not some Photoshop Abstract finger painting.

What would you think if you look up and saw THESE in the sky????

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"what the f***?!?"

check out this hilarious, albeit terrifying clip of a missile launch. priceless commentary.

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Researchers solve mystery of attractive surfaces

When smooth surfaces that hate water approach each other underwater, scientists have observed that they snap into contact. This is apparently due to attractive forces that extend for tens to hundreds of nanometers.

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Researchers solve mystery of attractive surfaces

When smooth surfaces that hate water approach each other underwater, scientists have observed that they snap into contact. This is apparently due to attractive forces that extend for tens to hundreds of nanometers.

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Dell Lying in TV Ads?

"The TV ad said, 'Whatever you need a PC for, Dell has the one you want for less than you might expect. Right now get this Dell Inspiron notebook featuring an Intel Celeron processor for only 299.' A website address and a phone number were displayed on the screen at the same time." There were 23 complaints the laptop was actually 349 online

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Rambus deceived chip markets, says FTC

The Federal Trade Commission dealt a severe blow to Rambus Inc. Wednesday, ruling the company has unlawfully monopolized the markets for computer-memory technologies incorporated into industry standards for dynamic random access memory (DRAM) chips.

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Black Hat: Researcher creates Net neutrality test

Dan Kaminsky, a Seattle-based security researcher has devised a way to test for net neutrality. He will share details of this technique, which will be rolled into a free tool, today at the Black Hat conference. The software can tell whether computers are treating some types of TCP/IP traffic better than others.

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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Israel hacks into Hezbollah TV

"ISRAEL today hacked into the television station of Hezbollah, emblazoning images on the screen showing pictures of corpses and claiming the Shiite militant group's leader Hassan Nasrallah was a liar."

Israel = 733t

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Senator Complains That Senator-Only Elevator Getting Too Many Non-Senators

I hesitate to say that it
�s a big problem,� said Senator Frank R. Lautenberg of New Jersey, shaking his head gravely. �There is terrific crowding.� Mr. Lautenberg, a Democrat who has served more than two decades in the Senate, said he had never seen the Capitol so packed with unelected interlopers.

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Police investigating YouTube clip featured on Digg

Not long ago a video surfaced on Digg showing two girls being flung by a playground toy rigged to a motorcycle axle. That video now has the interest of authorities.

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The Megapixel Myth

This is a great article that explains why a 5 megapixel camera isn't necessarily better than a 3 Megapixel camera.

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9/11 Live: The NORAD Tapes

How did the U.S. Air Force respond on 9/11? Could it have shot down United 93, as conspiracy theorists claim? Obtaining 30 hours of never-before-released tapes from the control room of NORAD's Northeast headquarters, the author reconstructs the chaotic military history of that day�and the Pentagon's apparent attempt to cover it up.

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Longest Running Scientific Experiment

In 1984, the European Journal of Physics published a report on the three longest-running scientific experiments. Here's a look at one - measuring the fluidity of high-viscosity pitch by counting the frequency of drops out of a funnel (they fall once every 8 or 9 years
�though no one has ever been around to see it happen).

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AT&T's Whitacre: 'Nobody Gets a Free Ride'

"AT&T chief Ed Whitacre says net neutrality is an issue that can be worked out commercially."
The giants are flailing and they're going to take everyone else down with them. At least Alaska Sen. Ted "The Internet is Not a Dump Truck" Stevens will be happy....

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Mom uses Technology to PWN Teens.

Teenagers who toilet-papered and damaged a home now face felony vandalism charges because of a mother's extraordinary sleuthing.

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Abundant Power from Universal Geothermal Energy

An MIT chemical engineer explains why new technologies could finally make "heat mining" practical nearly anywhere on earth.

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Lego Mindstorms NXT Launches Today!

On Aug 1, 2006, the next generation of Lego Mindstorms is now available for sale in North America. Mindstorms NXT is a robotics toolset that allows you to build and program robots for various purposes. It combines the power of the Lego technic building system and an all new intuitive software environment powered by National Instruments LabVIEW.

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The Milky Way Over Utah (Awesome Photo)

This battle between heaven and Earth was captured dramatically over a rock formation at Capitol Reef National Park Utah, USA. Dark dust, millions of stars, and bright glowing red gas highlight the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy, which lies on average thousands of light years behind Earth's mountains.

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$25 million Creation Museum being built in Kentucky

Like most natural history museums, this one has exhibits showing dinosaurs roaming the earth. Except here, the giant reptiles share the forest with Adam and Eve.

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'Obesity vaccine' shows success

In what could become a new weapon in the battle of the bulge, scientists have reported initial success with an experimental vaccine for obesity.

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9/11 Panel Suspected Deception by Pentagon.

Some staff members and commissioners of the Sept. 11 panel concluded that the Pentagon's initial story of how it reacted to the 2001 terrorist attacks may have been part of a deliberate effort to mislead the commission and the public rather than a reflection of the fog of events on that day, according to sources involved in the debate.

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Why Raul Castro Could End Up a Reformer

The Cuban dictator's brother has long been known as Fidel's enforcer. But at 75, he is also less rigid and confrontational, and may have little choice but to open the island's economy.

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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

How to tell Earthlings that Martian life is here

A plan should be formulated for how to tell the public if signs of Martian life are found by future missions to the Red Planet, say scientists from NASA and the SETI Institute. Otherwise, incorrect information could be leaked to the public before studies on the potential life could be completed.

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Lessons Microsoft can learn from Napolean

A very interesting read

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Pop vs. Coke vs. Soda: A map of what U.S. residents call soft drink

Map showing what people call soft drinks across the us -- pop, soda, coke, other. What do you call?

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Waitress Shown HER OWN License When Asking For ID

Last week, a waitress at the Moosehead Saloon in Westlake, Ohio, asked a woman to show proof of age after the customer ordered a drink. When the waitress looked at the ID, she realized the customer's ID was actually her own license, police said.

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Evolution�s Backers in Kansas Mount a Counterattack

Less than a year after a conservative Republican majority on the State Board of Education adopted rules for teaching science containing one of the broadest challenges in the nation to Darwin
�s theory of evolution, moderate Republicans and Democrats are mounting a fierce counterattack.

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How Google Earth Is Changing Science

Biologists, epidemiologists and disaster control experts are discovering Google Earth as a powerful tool in their work. The success of the digital globe has reawakened interest in computer mapping models.

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Mel Gibson's Wild Night in Malibu - PHOTOS

Pictures of Mel Gibson hours before his arrest.

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Top 10 Most Anticipated PC Games

After much talk about PC gaming being dead with the arrival of powerful next-get consoles, here
�s a list of games that prove PC gaming isn�t dead at all, there more reason for optimism for a PC gamer that for any console owner.

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Senator Ted Stevens resorts to dirty tricks to thwart Net Neutrality

He is the man who understands the Internet's made of tubes, but he's now trying a senatorial dirty trick to get his pro-telecom lobby version of the Net Neutrality law passed.

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The Upgraded Dragon Speech Recognition Software: Almost Perfect

Nuance Communications promises its Dragon NaturallySpeaking 9 will transform the PC-user experience. A test of the software indicates that while that's a fragile promise, it does hold some truth.

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Video: Worlds smallest man gets married

The wife is hot. Proof that size doesn't matter.

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Television Commercials (1950s-1960s)

25 minutes of various television commercials from the 50s and 60s. Commercials include: Coke, TWA, Colt 45, and VW.

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Monday, July 31, 2006

IP address not legal evidence identifying file sharers

For years, the RIAA has claimed that having the IP address of a computer that has shared unauthorized files is the equivalent of having the evidence of who was actually sharing files. That, of course, is false. The IP address simply can help you know who paid for the Internet access, but not who was using what computer on a network.

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Top Ten Reasons Why People Quit Their Jobs

Gregory Smith lays it out and tells us the real reasons we jump ship. Real reason: MANAGEMENT!

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FDA to consider over-the-counter morning-after pill after all

The government is considering allowing over-the-counter sales of the morning-after pill, but only to women 18 and older _ a surprise move Monday that revives efforts to widen access to the emergency contraceptive almost a year after it was thought doomed.

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Bush Admin May Have Violated 26 Statutes, Dems Say.

The Bush administration may have broken over two dozen federal laws and regulations -- some of them multiple times -- according to an unreleased report from the House Judiciary Committee Democrats. "The misconduct I have found is not only serious, but widespread," reads a draft summary of the report by Ranking Member John Conyers (D-MI)

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Never miss a song again with

Just enter in your zip code or the radio station call letters. Yes will show you a list of real-time songs, as well as a handy 24 hour look-up so you can see exactly what was playing at 4:20 AM. If you really like the song, you have the option of buying it on iTunes.

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For 2008 election, Al Gore could be the real deal

Why America needs Al Gore in 2008. We're ready for an adult.

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Audit Finds U.S. Hid Actual Cost of Iraq Projects

The State Department agency in charge of $1.4 billion in reconstruction money in Iraq used an accounting shell game to hide ballooning cost overruns on its projects in Iraq and knowingly withheld information on schedule delays from Congress.

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Color Photos From the World War I Era

Color film was non-existent in 1909 Russia, yet in that year a photographer named Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii embarked on a photographic survey of his homeland and captured hundreds of photos in full, vivid color.

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Change Your Southwest Airlines Boarding Group from "B" or "C" to "A"

Very cool's free, fast, and easy! Tried and it works.

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Hollywood Split over "Anti-Semitic Mel Gibson's Future

It's a nuclear disaster for him," said publicist Michael Levine, who has represented
Michael Jackson and
Charlton Heston, among others. "I don't see how he can restore himself."

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Pre-War Intelligence Might Not Come Out Until After Election

When angry Democrats briefly shut down the Senate last year to protest the slow pace of a congressional investigation into prewar intelligence on Iraq, Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) claimed a rare victory. Republicans called it a stunt but promised to quickly wrap up the inquiry. That was nine months ago.

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What to tell a kid when they ask, WHY?

Get straight to the point when your talking to a small child. ha ha.

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U.S. Employers Look Offshore for Healthcare.

After going overseas to outsource everything from manufacturing to customer services, American businesses, pressed by rising healthcare costs, are looking offshore for medical benefits as well. But there are risks. Patients have little or no legal recourse in medical malpractice cases because of relatively weak patient-protection laws oversea's

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Matt Damon as James T. Kirk?

a new star trek movie is coming out in 08 with matt damon as James T. Kirk...

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How the Brain Makes People Partisan

Psychological experiments in recent years have shown that people are not evenhanded when they process information, even though they believe they are.

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Top 4 Common Misconceptions About The Big Bang

An explanation of what the Big Bang is, and isn't, for the rest of us.

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Behind Al-Qaeda's I.T. Department...

there are real people, in real space, maintaining what is, in effect, al-Qaeda's I.T. department. Last October, the most important member of that group so far -- the man who has been called "the Godfather of cyber-terrorism" -- was arrested. He is a 22-year-old Muslim immigrant to Great Britain named Younis Tsouli.

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One Red Paper Clip Guy, Lands Movie Deal with DreamWorks.

"Kyle MacDonald has enjoyed more than his 15 minutes of fame as the Canadian Internet blogger bartering a red paper-clip for a house in Kipling, Sask.
He's now successfully parlayed his adventure into a book deal with Random House and a movie deal with DreamWorks..."

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How to Bypass Most Firewall Restrictions and Access the Internet Privately

Want to surf at work but can't because of a firewall? This is a complete resource of literally EVERYTHING you need to know when it comes to getting around pesky work firewalls. If your technically inclined you should have little trouble understand most of the material on this site. Enjoy.

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Solar Power Runs "World's Largest Laundromat"

One of Tom Benson's claims to fame, proclaimed in five-foot-high letters across his storefront, is that he owns the "world's largest laundromat" - complete with 153 washers, 148 dryers and 15 flat-screen TVs.

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75 Boston Police officers Have failed drug tests since 1999.

Since Boston police started annual drug testing in 1999, 75 officers out of the city's 2,000 have failed the tests, and 26 of them flunked a second test and were fired, newly released statistics show. Of the 75, 61 tested positive for cocaine, 14 for marijuana, two for ecstasy, and one for heroin, according to the figures, obtained by the Globe.

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Memos May Link Cheney to No-Bid Iraq Contract

Several documents suggest that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers may have lied publicly about the involvement of the vice president's office in awarding the contract. It will be remembered that Vice President Dick Cheney was chairman and CEO of Halliburton from 1995-2000. In an e-mail dated April 22, 2003...

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Oil Depletion Economics 101

A look at the basic economic considerations that must be resolved when trying to analyze oil production, consumption and pricing, or the impact these factors will have on the economy.

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Sunday, July 30, 2006

Senator John McCain's Son To Join The Marines

The youngest son of U.S. Senator John McCain will soon report for duty in the Marine Corps.

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HUGE Floppy

"This is a huge disk I found at work.. Not sure what it was used for.. Probably for recording video, but it is laser disc technology probably used in the late 80's.."

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A $50,000 Car Beats a Porsche 911 GT3's time around a track on Top Gear

This movie is of a wicked fast Ariel Atom that can do not to 60 in a little over 2 seconds and pull your face back as if you were in a fighter-jet! And only Top Gear would test-drive it!!!! You can not stop laughing at how much the driver's face is getting pulled back. A must see!!!!!!

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Landfills Are Filled With Gold, Copper and Aluminium

There is plenty of aluminum in landfills says experts, the same is probably true of gold and copper. Soon recycling those metals may overshadow conventional mining.

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Oil Companies Keep Gas Supplies Tight So Prices Stay High

The oil-refining industry might have helped create a gasoline market that's so tight that some industry experts and critics say any hurricane, pipeline break or other disruption is likely to cause price spikes. During unprofitable times in the 1990s, some refiners' internal memos show they wanted to reduce refining capacity to boost profits.

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If You Want to be Rich: First, Stop Being So Frightened

Felix Dennis, publishing tycoon, has written a guide to becoming a multi-millionaire. All you need is thick skin, cunning - and a work ethic. I am convinced that fear of failing in the eyes of the world is the single biggest impediment to amassing wealth. Trust me on this. Consider carefully this shortlist of what it will take...

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iPhone Software in iPod Updater?

In the June 28th iPod updater package, apparently if one were to analyze a few particular files with a hex editor, one would produce some very peculiar and anomalous commands, like t_feature_app_PHONE_APP, kPhoneSignalStrength, clPhoneCallModel, clPhoneCallHistoryModel, prPhoneSettingsMenu, and so on.

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Boston's Big Dig -One of Engineering's Biggest Mistakes?

Forums and blogs are popping up all over the Internet as vehicles for engineers and contractors to anonymously discuss their skepticism, thoughts and reactions to one of the biggest infrastructure failures in the news today.

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Friday, July 28, 2006

Batman Justifying Himself To The Super Friends

Watch as The Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and others ask the question "Why is Batman a super hero? He doesn't even have a super in his name." Batman, in his usual way, answers.

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How Legalizing Drugs Will End the Violence

If Steven Soderbergh's gritty 2000 film "Traffic" caused you to squirm in your seat, the real-life story of Mexican drug dealing is even more disquieting.

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Colbert to Congresswoman of D.C. - "You're Not an American" (Video)

In an hilarious interview with Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton of District of Columbia, Colbert says that she is not an American because she is the representative of D.C., which is not a state. Hilarious reaction from her.

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The real thing. Or is it? - How to make your own Coca-cola

There are brown bottles, bags of white powder, a pestle and mortar, a collection of funnels, a roll of silver gaffer tape. There is a drill. There is a whisk. Are they making bombs? Are they making drugs? No. They are doing something far more likely to change the world we live in. They're making their own version of Coca-Cola.

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Things you won't see on CNN - Superb photos

See the following superb photos.. photos like blue angels planes in flight collision.. container ship run aground on beach.. ocean wave washes over big ships deck and small plane caught in power lines.. don't miss

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House GOP leaders grudgingly agree to minimum wage increase

House Republican leaders, giving in to political reality, plan a vote to raise the $5.15 minimum wage before leaving Washington this weekend for a five-week recess.

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Windows� House of Cards

Much of the blame, in my opinion, should lie at the feet of the Microsoft philosophy of bundling everything into the OS; without tools being small and specialised, a complex series of dependencies is created. The operating system becomes a house of cards, and the tiniest shifting in a single element can cause its functioning to come crashing down.

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Never Say Never

"I have heard it stated as fact that one cannot fold a paper in half more than eight times, because the doubled and re-doubled paper quickly becomes too thick...Thanks to a student named Britney Gallivan, it turns out that this impossibility is just as mythical as not being able to lick your elbows."

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eBay: Buy it Now $0.99 Shipping $500.00??!! Solve it with Firefox extension

Tired of people gouging you with excessive shipping prices on eBay? Well, here's is an extension that lets you to see the total cost including shipping!

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USA Bill Requires Schools & Libraries BLOCK Social Networking & Chat Sites

It has passed the House - the purpose they say to to stop Online Predators

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It's all about oil

If this war was taking a bite out of Exxon or the House of Saud, a ceasefire would have been imposed.

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The Back the Future Movie You'll Never See (Screenshots)

Back to the Future was actually filmed twice - once with Eric Stoltz in the role of Marty McFly, and once with Michael J. Fox. But despite Studio proclamations that only a few scenes were involved, the truth is that the majority of the film was shot with Eric Stoltz. The other actors confirmed it was flmed twice.

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200+ PAGES of beautiful wallpapers

All at least 1024x768. Crystal-clear, vivid-colored imaging with a wide variety of subjects (including landscapes, animals, plants, cars, still life, sky, and much more). Definitely THE best wallpaper site I've been to.

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Wikipedia adds new feature - Cite This Article

With no fanfare, Wikipedia has added a handy new feature - Cite This Article. From anywhere inside wikipedia (my example is to the article on webmastering), click on 'Cite This Article' to get the full citation in 9 different formats, MLA, APA, and Bibtex included! High School and college students rejoice

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Thursday, July 27, 2006

In tunneling physics, a decades-old paradox is resolved

As if the concept of quantum tunneling
�where atoms pass through barriers�isn't confusing enough, one of the vexing questions within that area of physics is why particles seem to travel faster than the speed of light when passing through a barrier, but not when they travel through empty space.

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US government sues Missouri officials to squash state's subpoena of AT&T.

The federal government wants to be able to know everything you do, but they don't want anyone to know about their actions. They are willing to argue both sides of a case to prevent citizens and states from finding out what AT&T has been doing in those secret rooms.

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Scorched 3D - A 3D Remake Of Scorched Earth

Remember Scorched Earth - the old DOS based tank game? Thanks to a co-worker, I was let in on Scorched 3D, a remake of the original game in OpenGL featuring 3D terrain and LAN/Internet play. It's available for free for Mac OSX, Linux, and Windows platforms. Be nostalgic, and play the successor to the "mother of all games". Not new, but fun.

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Zelda: The Lost & Found beta tester's Wind Waker levels - hidden in game!

Using the cheat code system ActionReplay, a clever group of gamers stumbled upon fourteen playable Zelda maps never meant for gamer's eyes. Two gameplay videos, seven screenshots, and all the codes compiled.

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A Brief History of Human Sex

Was it any different in caveman days? And just how does human sexuality differ compared to that of a bonobo ape? The answers might surprise you.

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Sen. Stevens May Appear on "Daily Show" to Defend Internet Tube Comments

Mocked by comedian Jon Stewart for calling the Internet a bunch of tubes, U.S. Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Ted Stevens said on Thursday he is open to going on Stewart's popular "Daily Show" for a rebuttal.

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Quick Reference to Where You Can Watch TV Online

Jeff Pulver provides a comprehensive list of places you can watch TV online, including descriptions of content and prices where applicable.

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Israel will occupy area of Lebanon as security zone

"Almost two weeks into its military assault on Hezbollah, Israel said Tuesday that it would occupy a strip inside southern Lebanon with ground troops until an international force could take its place."

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Kevin Smith Sits In For Roger Ebert

"Looks like I'll be sitting in for Roger Ebert next week, as a guest critic on "Ebert and Roeper". Kind of a cool honor, I feel. We'll be checking out "Miami Vice", "Ant Bully", "Talladega Nights", "Barnyard" and maybe (fingers crossed) "World Trade Center"."

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'Crash' stars, director, producers, writers still waiting for their money

It costs $7.5 million, it made $180 million. Director Paul Haggis made $300,000 on the film...not a lot by Hollywood standards for a huge hit...all the main actors deferred their usual fees for percentages of the film's profits...they just got checks for $19,000. Where is all the money?

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09/13/2001 - Only close-ups ever taken of the World Trade Center Site

These photos were taken at Ground Zero, the World Trade Center site in New York, on September 13, 2001.

They were taken by someone named "Ed" who was allowed into the area by a member of the emergency response crew, at a time when all civilians -- including most journalists -- were forbidden to enter the area.

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AMD & ATI Answers to Rumormongering

There have been a lot of rumors and assumptions flying since Monday morning on what exactly some of the finer points to the AMD / ATI merger are going to be. ATI has just answered some of those questions.

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